STAR TREK: The Next Generation

"A Final Unity"



Hints and Instructions


Re-reedited by [email protected]


Prelude: Play the entire intro AT LEAST once... It's cool...


Part 1: Space Station


You will be asked by an Admiral to assist a space station. Get there &

speak with the Chancellor. After you beam down, look at the transporter

panel & other panels. Go out & find the injured woman. Use the medical

tricorder to scan the woman, & the normal tricorder on the cable. Go

back to the beam down site & transport the conduit off the woman. After

using the Medkit on her, talk with her & get all she knows.


Continue right & take the Turbolift to Administration first. Scan ALL

control panels. Let Geordi examine holotable, then go to the active life

support panel. Try to start it up. Go back to the woman & get the code

to rereoute the life support systems.


Go to engineering using the turbolift. L&S everything (Look & Scan)

including the conduit. TTBITF (Talk til blue in the Face). Go right into

Engineering Lab 4(?). Take everything off the table, then examine

control panel in rear of room. Hit temporary shutdown switch, then hit

the 3rd switch to your right. The power will then shut down. When you

exit, the alien will be gone. Go back to administration and fix the

holotable with a part you picked up. Have Geordi look at Station.


Go back to Engineering to L&S everything (don't forget to scan the hole

& SEALED hole on the left. Go left & talk with Dr. Griems. DO NOT take a

path to jettison core. (you'll receive a low score. Tell Dr. Griems you

work miracles... He will then help you to fix the core. Use the Inverter

Coupling, then the Wave Converter on the hole on the 3rd power conduit.

Everything is automatic after that.



Part 2: The Preserve

TTBINTF (again, talk til blue in the face). After that, go left to exit.

You will see a bldg @ the top of the screen... Click on that. Use

tricorder, sonic microscope and scan table on carcasses. Use tricorder

on robots & get them. Use the tricorder on the control panel (by the

pipes) and talk to the tracker. DROP THE CARCASSES! They are useless

after scans. Get the Bioprobe (Sitting rather inconspicously on the scan

table). The bioprobe is used on the robots after returning from scouting

the countryside for you. You can also scan the vials of dna the robots

have after each scouting mission. Leave there & go get the

Microgenerator from the shuttle area.


Go to each habitat & use the microgenerator. The computer map will tell

you how many areas each habitat has. After EACH trip, use bioprobe on

robot & then use bioprobe on each vial. This is a long process, but

needed so you can go to the next level of your investigation. Go to the

lab & examine each vial on the sonic microscope. After all that, TTBITF,

then use tricorder on the computer panel to talk with the Consultant,

then the Healer.


Make your way to the quarantine area and talk to the Watcher. After

this, you will have enough info to accuse the Consultant of smuggling.

Go to the constable and tell her everything then she will set the

scientist free. (Don't leave after that... more is still to come!)


Go to the dock area and the shuttle will now take you to the power area.

Use the panel, then make your way back to the quarantine area. Operate

the controls to cage the reptile (middle panel, right panel,then left

panel.) Everything is automatic after that. Find the Ferengi & force him

to give you the Consultant, transport logs, & info on the Romulans.

After that, let him go...



Part 3: Frigia

When you get there, talk with the Chancellor & go to all the pyramids.

(Don't forget to go all the way to the right).


a. "the choirboys" - They want the golden ring back. Get the musical pod

& examine the organ.


b. "the seekers" - Have all the items from the other sects. TTBINF, then

go to the Gatekeeper. (Save your game here before talking with this guy)

*Hint: dont give ANY definitive answers. After that, L&S everything

including the unreadable writing. Go back to Chancellor & get the

upgrade for the tricorder. Go back to the writing & free the guy in the

stasis field. He will give you a Thermal key to get 3 Items out of the

vault. Get the Gold Ring, the "Y" shaped object, & the Staff of LIGHT.


c. "the woman" - TTBINF & give her the Light Staff, then ask to remove

the force field. You can actually save time if you visit "the choirboys"

first and give them the golden ring, the have Geordi repair the Organ.

You will receive 2 other musical pods. Go back to "the woman" domain &

use musical recording #4 (the big one isnt used as far as I have



The next room you travel to is a puzzle that you have to solve. Fairly

easy and straight-forward. Just use musical pods to activate the floors.

The musical pods must be played in a specific order. Pay attention to

the floor after each play. Only "1" square will overlap. Here are the

ones I use.. If there is a shorter one, it escapes me:


4 nodes ***

3 nodes

1 node in a Dome

4 nodes

1 node in a Dome

2 nodes

1 node in a Dome

4 nodes

1 node the Cup

2 nodes


***After you activate this one, step onto the tiles to retrieve the

other nodes. You will want to SAVE GAME after each node you collect so

if you pick the wrong tile to stand on when you activate the next node

in sequence, you wont lose any life from anyone.


I won't tell you where to walk you can see for yourself.

Use the blue gem on the Door. After arrving, run & get the Scroll.

Everything is automatic after that.


*** Eventually, you will have to get a Data Rod & Programmer from the

Chancellor. This comes a little later though.



Part 4: Horst 3 Archeology Site


Make sure you have the Data rod and programmer.

Beam down & use your phaser (on high) to remove the rocks.


L&S panel & generator. (It never hurts to scan everything).

Active panel & scan the scan with tricorder. You'll need it. Go left.

L&S instrument, pit & instrument mounting. After that, go back to the

ship & Data (after a minute) will figure out where instrument is




Part 5: Alanor


Beam down. L&S everything. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING YET. Finish scanning

the schedule, the doors, the ventilation shaft, grating on shaft, &

alloy seals on grating. Use phaser on a high setting to eliminate the

alloy seals. Have one person stand near the door, & have someone else

take the inhibitor from the robot. Then have your other person run

through the door.


In the next room there is a panel. Use the rod & TTBITF. Activate all

options. Go to the right & scan both robots. Data will modify the tri-

corders for proper use. Get the metal plate & paperclip. (As far as I

can see, the metal plate is useless).


Scan the door with the tricorder then use the logic inhibitor on the

door circuits. A robot will come, but the door will remain closed.

Deactivate the robot & remove the inhibitor. After door is open,

re-input inhibitor to keep door from closing behind you. Go through

door. Use rod on panel & turn everything on. L&S capacitor. When the

robot there gets charged, go back to panel quickly & turn off power.

Watch light on the capacitor. When it reaches 1 light left, go back to


ENERGY! The aliens will come & get you.


When Picard talks to the "head alien", tell them you are on an

archeology mission. DO NOT TELL THEM ABOUT THE ROD. You can either: 1.

Have them show you the way to the main computer, or 2. do it

yourself(harder). If you do it yourself, I "think" you press the bottom

left button & the top left button on the transporter. Use the timer,

exit panel, & get over to transporter so you can catch up with the Away



If option 2:

The security system is active. L&S lights & disruptor. Fire phaser @ a

light & have Data make adjustment to the phasers. I have had good luck

with this next part. As quickly as possible, shoot ALL sensors, then

IMMEDIATELY have Data run to the door. (You need to be good with your



In the next room is the main computer. L&S everything. (Save your game

here) Use the rod and programmer here on the master computer. As quickly

as possible choose the top selection & tricorder it. If you do it fast

enough, you will store the map coordinates into the tricorder. THIS IS A

CRITICAL PART OF THE GAME. The aliens catch you with thr rod & take it

from you. After they leave, go back to panel (it malfunctioned) & read

the rest of the selections, (The map will have been erased) then Leave.


If you chose Option 1 above:

Go to panel use the paper clip to free the rod.

Have Data LOOK & SCAN alien & give hypo. Use security rod to deactivate

all the security systems. Get the rod back when your finished just in



If you chose Option 2 above: Repeat same procedure to get out.


Go upstairs, then to transporter & press top right button & middle left

button (I think). Again, use the timer to get yourself caught up to Away

Team. As you return to the Beamdown point, don't forget to take the

inhibitor from the door.


Put the inhibator back into the sentry robot, then scan the schedule

again, just in case. After that, bean yourself up.



Part 6: The search for the Unity Device


Wait for Data to compile the info. If you have everything right, he will

computer the EXACT LOCATION of the Unity Device (Sector 3-1-3, Planetary

Offset number 9-14-16). Or just go back to Figis & eventually Data will

figure it out.


Part 7: The Unity Device


The Unity Device has an automatic attack function for ALL Hostile

Activity. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T ATTACK, just use evasive maneuvers.

It's automatic after that.


After shuttling down to device, Picard will need to Ally himself with

Capt Pentara.


**** If you like suprises, don't go any further that this!! ****

**** YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!! ****


-- The First Test --

Since your tricorder has been taken, look AT EVERY PART OF THE FIELD

GENERATOR. When the test begins, you can either: 1. Go to test panel &

hit button without using the left piece in the left slot, or 2. You can

put 1/2 the piece on the left slot, then hitting button. Since Capt

Pentara has no problem "shocking" the alien, it will turn out the same

anyway. When the time comes, spare the aliens life.


*NOTE: You will have been given an artifact. Go ahead & tell them about

it. It doesn't matter this close to the end of the game anyway.


After sparing aliens life, put your two halves together & stick it in

the bottom of the "air pocket" of the field generator. Get the other

halves from The Chordak & Pentara. Put those in as well & that

de-activates the field. Go right. Use the artifact 3 times. Bring

everyone over or you can't win.



-- The Second Test --


You will see an alien in a chamber. Release him & tell him what you

think Picard would truly say...(He has no ego, ya know...)


After Capt Pentara was trapped, I left her in there... Serves her

right..! Go right.



-- The FINAL TEST --

The "strange eyeball" will tell you something terrible. When you use the

panel, hit the bar on the bottom without selecting the two options

listed. Confirm that you want to exit without choosing an option.



** End of Game... It's automatic after this **


Should you find any problems or discrepancies, please e-mail the

correction, or just re-re-reedit this & send me a copy.... thanx!!!


[email protected]



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