Star Trek News


The latest Star Trek Movie has now been introduced to us. It will star the usual Star Trek TNG cast. Not much has been said about the movie yet, but the movie is called Star Trek : INSURRECTION. The movie will involve the crew of the USS Enterprise-E rebelling against the Federation. Picard and co. will attempt to "save the Federation from itself" in a thriller of a movie.



In "Star Trek IX," Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise fulfill one of man's enduring dreams - to find a fountain of youth. When the existence of this newfound paradise is threatened, Picard faces a daunting decision - in order to protect the lives of the inhabitants of this alien world, he must commit treason and take up arms against the Federation itself.
(Paramount's initial press release, April 4th, 1998)

In the story of the film, Picard must save the Federation from itself. He stands alone to protect a magical colony of beings from annihilation. His enemies include a new race known as the Son'a - strange aliens who will do anything they can to steal the "magic" of the colony. Picard becomes involved with a woman from the colony who teaches him remarkable new ways of perceiving the world.
(April/May Issue 116 of the Star Trek Communicator)






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