Konnichi wa, minna-san!
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Miscellaneous Phrases
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The Japanese add suffixes to people's names to disinguish gender and social status.  For example, you might call me Jessica-san.  The suffix "-san" is generic and can be used for either male or female, no matter what age.  The following suffixes are common in Japan.

-san : Miss / Mr. / Mrs.
-chan : usually used by young girls, for young girls
-kun : usually used for a boy or young man
-sama : a high level of respect
-senpai : used when talking to/about an elder, someone you look up to
-sensei : used when talking to/about a teacher

Japanese often refer to close friends with familiar names, such as calling an older male friend onii-san (older brother).  This is common practice, so I'll include family member names as well.

Mother : okaa-san
Father : chichi
Brother : (elder) niisan ; (younger) otouto
Sister : (elder) ane ; (younger) imouto
Aunt : oba-san
Uncle : oji-san
Grandmother : obaa-san
Grandfather : ojii-san
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