~ Harps of Angels ~

All the Relevant Biblical Scriptures from
the Old & New Testament
About the use of the Stringed Harp in
Praise, Prayer & Worship
From 1 & 11 Samuel, 1 & 11 Chron, Nehemiah,
Psalms & Featuring the Scenes of Heavenly Worship
from the Vision of John in the Prophetic Book of Revelation

The Harp...Is the Instrument of Angels...
Carrier of the Incense of Prayer & Worship...
The resonance of the harp strings
connect HEAVEN & EARTH with the sounds of
running Spiritual Waters as Yeshuah's beloved disciple John saw & heard
of the angels of God playing the "Harps of God"...in his Great
Heavenly Vision of Revelations...we pray with Yeshuah
."Your will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN" Math.6:10
"Let MY PRAYER be set forth before you AS INCENSE & the lifting up of my hands
be as the evening sacrifice" Psalm 141:2
"He was in the world as a SWEET INCENSE unto God"
"Give YOURSELVES as a living sacrifice" Romans 12:1, 1Peter 2:5, Heb.13:15
Breathtaking Scenes of Heavenly Worship
The Father...The Lamb...the 7 Spirits...The 24 Elders
This Prophetic Book revolves around God & the "Lamb"
the Anointed One who gave himself as our Passover Sacrifice
Fire, smoke, incense, prayers, harp music, voices, songs, thunder, lightening,
trumpets & winged serephim flying around!
The Father is on His Throne...the Son of Man "like a Lamb that was slain..."
Thousands & thousands of redeemed believers from the EARTH with
the FATHER'S NAME written on their FOREHEADS!
YESHUAH is this LAMB OF GOD...the Anointed Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53
who was prepared by God to embody the fullness of the Eternal Father of Spirits
through the Power of the Holy Spirit in this earth realm...
"God was IN HIM redeeming the world unto himself!"
"It is NOT I that is doing these works but the Father IN ME!"
He served God & man...announced the coming of the Holy Spirit & the
Spiritual Birthing into the GREAT MYSTERY of the KINGDOM OF GOD

This is the MAN of all men! Fulfillment of prophesy!
While the Pharisees sneared...he alone gathered the courage through
To go through the Doorway Between Worlds!
To stand against & surmount every evil, wicked spiritual force...
Making A WAY for us from the DARKNESS of Human IGNORANCE, LOSTNESS,
In the ONENESS of the FATHER'S GREAT LOVE for us!
& NOW...He awaits to RETURN for us!
"If while we were still sinners he loved us...how much more does He love us now!"
"What can seperate us from the Love of God?"
"Father may they be One in us as we are"
"The Spirit & the bride say Come"
"Only the Father knows the day"

He prepared his OWN WAY...as the returning triumphant Messiah!
He was loved by the people but rejected by the religious.
They plotted to get rid of him & turned him over to the conquering Romans.
He yeilded to HIS FATHER & GOD saying,
"Not my will but yours be done Father"..."Into your hands I commit my spirit"
He forgave them as he shed his HOLY BLOOD on the cross
for the total cleansing & forgiveness of our sins..as COSMIC CURRENCY to
BUY OUR SOULS OFF THE god of this world...
Something that is still having reprecussions throughout the Universe...the
so that we could come into the Presence of the Most High God....
If you love the Father & the Beloved Son he has sent...then you will be there...
for John was taken outside the realm of "time"

The 24 Elders around the throne sing to the Most High with the "Harps of God" in
their hands...& golden vials full of aromas which are the prayers of saints...
"in the midst of the THRONE & the FOUR CREATURES & the ELDERS stood a LAMB as it had been slain, having 7 horns & 7 eyes which are the 7 SPIRITS OF GOD sent forth into all the EARTH. And he took the book out of the right hand of HIM that sat on the THRONE & the 4 CREATURES & 24 ELDERS fell down before the LAMB having every one of them HARPS & golden vials full of AROMAS which are the PRAYERS of saints. And they sang a NEW SONG saying, Thou art worthy to take the book & to open the SEALS thereof, for thou wast slain & has REDEEMED US TO GOD by thy BLOOD out of every kindred & tongue & people & nation & hast made us unto our GOD KINGS & PRIESTS & WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH" Rev. 5:6-9
After the 7SEALS are opened...we see Trumpets
with more incense & prayer...
"And when he had opened the 7th SEAl there was silence in heaven for about half an hour & I saw the 7 ANGELS which stood before GOD & to them were given 7 TRUMPETS & another ANGEL came & stood at the ALTER, having a golden censer & there was given unto him much INCENSE that he should offer it with the PRAYERS of all the saints upon the GOLDEN ALTER which was before the THRONE & the smoke of the INCENSE which came with the PRAYERS of the saints, ascended up before GOD out of the ANGEL'S hand & the ANGEL took the censer & filled it with FIRE OF THE ALTER & cast it INTO THE EARTH & there were VOICES, THUNDERINGS, LIGHTENINGS & an EARTHQUAKE!" Rev.8:1-5
The Bride...the chosen remnant...the redeemed
from the earth play harps...
"I looked & lo, a LAMB stood on Mt. Zion & with him 144,000, having his FATHER'S NAME written IN THEIR FOREHEADS & I heard a VOICE from heaven, as the voice of MANY WATERS...as a great THUNDER & I heard the VOICE OF HARPERS, HARPING WITH THEIR HARPS & they sung as it were a NEW SONG before the THRONE & the 4 BEASTS & the ELDERS & no one could learn that song but the 144,000 which were REDEEMED FROM THE EARTH...these are they who follow the LAMB wherever he goes...being the firstfruits unto GOD & unto the LAMB" (Yeshuah) Rev. 14:1-4

Prophetic Song of the redeemed from the earth who have know Moses & Yeshuah

"And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire & them who had gotten the victory over the beast & over his image & over his mark & over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, HAVING THE HARPS OF GOD...& they sing the SONG OF MOSES the servant of God & the SONG OF THE LAMB saying..."Great & marvellous are thy works Lord God almighty, just & true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear (reverence) thee Oh Lord & glorify thy name for you only are HOLY, for all nations shall come & WORSHIP before thee"....Rev 15:2-4
Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish,
Adonai Sabayoth,
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts!

This is the Sacred Song of Celestial Singers...those who
serve & exalt the Father around the Throne...
from the prophet Isaiah's vision

"In the year that King Uzziah died I saw theLord sitting upon a throne, high & lifted up & his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims. Each one had six wings. With two he covered his face & with two he covered his feet & with two he did fly & one cried to another & said "Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory" & the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried & the house was filled with smoke! Then said I "Woe is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips & I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips...for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts!" Then flew one of the seraphims unto me having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with the tongs from off the alter & he laid it upon my mouth & said "Lo, this has touched your lips & your iniquity is taken away & your sin purged" From Isaiah's Vision of Heaven...6:1-7



Let us also meditate on this vision of the holy fire of God's altar...
& pray and sing these Sacred Words...day and night...in
divine communion with the Father of Spirits!
Playing our harps...as the saints who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
propheticly connecting earth & heaven together for

Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish,
Holy, Holy, Holy
Heaven & Earth are full of your Glory!


Harp as a Sacred Instrument in the Hebrew Scriptures
Gen.4:21, 1 Sam 10:5, 16:16-23, 11 Sam.6:5, 1Kings 10:12, 1Chron.13:8, 25:1-6, 11Chron 5:12,9:11
Neh.12:27, Psalm 33:2, 49:4, 71:22, 81:2, 92:3, 108:2, 137:2, 144:9, 147:7, 149:3, 150:3
Rev. 5:8-9, 14:2-3, 15:2-4


What is Spiritual Worship?
but the Love & Adoration we have in our
Hearts for our Father God
John 4:23 1 Peter 2:5
Psalm 42:1-2, 95:6-7, 96:8-9, 98:5, 141:2
Ephesians 1:4, 5:1-2, 18-2
Revelations 14:2-4, 21:1-3

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