Women's Therapy with Shoshan
A Place of Spiritual Peace for Women's Relaxation & Healing at our Acreage Home
on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia
Women's Holistic Aromatherapy ~ Natural Treatments with Essential Oils
Foot Reflexology ~ Stress ~ Therapeutic Swedish Style Massage
Intuitive Peace Therapy ~ Sacred Harp Music & Devotional Songs ~ Prophesy
Christian Meditation & Healing Ministry ~ Anointing with Oil ~ Messianic Fellowship
Original Hand Crafted Crystal & Bead Jewellery

Hi, I'm Shoshan...& this is my therapy room.
Most women comment on how peaceful it feels when they come in. I've had about 12 years experience & love to do all sorts of natural treatments for other women.

(I cut hair too...if you're game, as I have to mine recently!)

I do very peaceful & relaxing treatments with pure aromatic essential oils, Lavender or Chamomile herbal foot baths & soft white clay facials.

Intuitive Peace Therapy is Touch Therapy for soul healing / stress / personal issues with...gentle rocking / scalp massage / cleansing with Rose water / aroma inhalation etc.

Personal Healing Ministry is avilable for other women interested in the New Covenant faith of Lord Yeshuah...Christian meditation & healing / prayer for spiritual protection etc. given for the sick or dying with anointing of oil. Sacred Harp music & devotional song. Women's Messianic Home Fellowship for sharing & music etc.Teachings of Yeshua, scripture on second coming, biblical prophesy. Please see my article ...Prayer for Messiah.


Deep relaxation with beautiful aromas & gentle harp, nature sounds or other peaceful ambient
music used throughout session ~ no embarrassment ~ wrap provided ~ quiet home therapy room
Therapeutic Massage ~ Aromatherapy Facials ~ Muscular & Joint Pain Relief
Heat Pack ~ Ray Lamp ~ Foot Reflexology ~ Stress Relaxation ~ Cellulite Massage
Gentle Stretching ~ Colon Massage ~ Pregnancy Massage & Support
Aching Legs ~ PMT ~ Sinus ~ Bronchial Back Cupping etc.
Tension Neck & Headaches ~ Back & Shoulders
Emotional & Personal Issues

~ Shoshan ~
Massage Practitioner
Sacred Harper & Songwriter
Jewellery & Crafts
Gold Coast, Queensland Australia

Note from a happy client...
"Shoshan has been doing my massages & various other treatments, on a regular basis since
1994 which I absolutely love. After leaving I feel so relaxed and stress free... it's great
and I recommend it to you...you won't be dissapointed." Sandra N.
Please scroll down for Aromatherapy Information...
or view my other articles if interested.


MY ONLINE JEWELLERY MARKET (Front page & some photos only.)


(Recommended up to date Australian site searching the best of world headlines & other awareness sites about New World Order / Bankers / Illuminati / Global Surveilance & loss of personal freedom / police state / government involvment & cover up of professional demolition of twin towers & building 7/ over 600 concentration camps ready with armed gaurds in America, Canada, Alaska / expect panic / fake terrorism / mass innoculations / roundups of disenters / city lock downs / marshall law plans / coming attack on Iran with American /Israelie alliance etc.)
http://www.olivetree.org/  (Live Cam in Jerusalem!)
http://www.alienresistance.org/book_of_enoch.htm (The prophet mentioned in the new testament)
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/  (Lots of interesting info)

http://www.messianic.com/yeshua/  New Testament teachings of Yeshuah with Hebrew flavour

http://www.aarons-advocates.org/ Much deep teaching & prophesy on the RESTORATION OF TRUTH to those who have been in the counterfeit church of "Jesus"...but YAHVEY'S people will know His true Name & that of His prophet, servant & son Yeshuah! Lord means Baal & Jesus is greek for Zeus! Come out!


http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/  A must see site by Torah keeping Jews who warn of the danger of those who claim to be Jews & are not. The Zionists DON'T represent all Jewery & activly advised AGAINST & prevented Jews from leaving Germany to find sanctuary in America from Hitler. They wanted a BLOODBATH to create international sympathy for their national state of "Israel".

Aromatherapy Prices
All quality Essential Oils used with floral face waters & herbal foot baths etc.
Gift Vouchers available.
A 1 Hr. Voucher gives your friend a Back & Neck Massage with a choice of either
a Facial with White Clay Mask or a Herbal Foot Bath & Foot Masssage.
A 1 Hr & a half Voucher gives your friend a Full Body Treatment with a choice of either
a Facial with White Clay Mask or a Herbal Foot Bath & Foot Massage.


Aromatherapy Treatments are $50 1Hr. $30 half....including Essential Oils etc.
I offer $5 discounts for regulars & those on pensions etc.
Aromatherapy Relaxation Treatment Massage...$50...1 Hour (minimum)
Aromatherapy Relaxation Treatment Massage with Facial...$70 Hour & a half (minimum)
Aromatherapy Relaxation Treatment Massage with Reflexology...$70 Hour & a half (minimum)
Lavender or Chamomile Flower Foot Bath ...$5 extra
Below are examples of half hr. Aromatherapy Treatments for $30
(Or combine any two treatments for $50 Just tell me what you want done)

Works with & supports the natural healing processes of the body...

It is the very ancient & gentle art of of using the pure, aromatic essences from various flowers, seeds, fruits, leaves, roots & gums for their, therapeutic, antiseptic, pain relieving & other properties. They are called Essential Oils but are not really oils but extracts, the actual living essence of the plants. They may be useful for relaxation of everyday stress & fatigue, natural skin care & the treatment of many minor ailments...such as infections, insomnia, sinus, bronchial, aching muscles & joints, menstrual discomfort, cramps, acne, depression, anxiety, bloating, cellulite, sunburn, tinea, rheumatic pain, swelling etc. They can be used in massage by adding to cold pressed vegetable oils or other preparations, water compresses, baths, direct inhalation or in burners. SOME can be directly applied on small areas for sores, cuts or tinea. (Eucalytus. Lavender, Cajeput, Tee Tree)

Egyptians & other old cultures used them for beauty, embalming & medicines. The Hebrews for sacred anointing oils. Once the herbs & plants were all people had for medicines. Chinese, American Indian people etc. had their healing women & medicine people that the people would go to. In the Dark Ages thousands of women were tortured & burnt alive by order of the Roman Church leaders as "witches" because they talked to their cats & acted as midwives & helped people with their "brews"!

I use only Pure Aromatic Essential Oils (not perfumes) Herbs & Soft Clays ~ Rose & Lavender Floral Waters
Be aware some little bottles of perfumed oil are sold for $2 or $3...but are man made concoctions for pot pourri etc. They have NO therapeutic value...even if mixed with some true essential oils. They should not be used on the skin which absorbs them & they can then pass into the blood stream. Whereas most of the pure essential oils from plants are very compatible with the human system... perfumed oils are NOT. I also advise others to avoid "perfumed" bath bombs & bubble bath too! These can cause dry skin & or rashes etc. I use a plain Lavender or other herbal soap & Radox or essential oils or herbs in my bath.

For a full Aromatherapy Treatment...I talk to you first about how you feel...what you need or are expecting... allergies etc.Then I combine a special blend of the lovely, aromatic extracts in an almond oil or other carrier oil. A usual choice is three or four different oils with high, med & low notes at 2-3 drops per 5mls. of base oil. This varies of course...with a milder blend for the face or in pregnancy etc. I don't use any known toxic, essential oils or those that can burn the skin like cinnamon or wintergreen which some people are allergic to. For short treatments I may use pre-made mixes from the "Sunspirt" range of Aromatherapy Oils, which are excellent. I recommend them. They are available at health shops & most larger chemists.
This blend is gently mixed & is applied using various aromatherapy & swedish style massage techniques. I usually use some pressure points, spinal massage to relax the nerve endings...some lymph drainage movements with special focus on problem areas with cellulite build up or muscular pain & tension. Every one's body is totally different...but all respond to a caring touch. I start off gently to relax the nerves & get firmer to massage the deeper layers of muscles & inner organs.

A full treatment takes two hours & includes an Aromatherapy facial with cleansing, warm aromatic towels & soft white clay mask...full back, neck & scalp massage, legs, stomach & arms/hands massage & foot reflexology. (You can request a massage with plain oil if prefered)
Colon / stomach massage is very beneficial for bloating, indigestion etc...but also for emotional healing. That & the neck / shouldesr are areas that particularly hold cellular memories of physical, mental & emotional hurts etc.
I specialize in tension neck, scalp & shoulder massage with gentle stretching of the muscles. (the last, as long as there is no history of whip lash or spinal injury)

Some essential oils particularly address inner issues...that may also be showing up in the body...Protective Francincense for deep fear, Neroli & Ylang Ylang for shock, Sandalwood for inner strength, Rose & Marjoram to comfort grief & lack of love, Clary Sage, Lavender & Geranium for balancing depression, Juniper, Basil, Rosemary & Cedarwood for clearing mind & energizing etc. (See more suggested oils & further uses below.)

The Many Benefits of Massage...

Soothes... the nervous system & associated tension, bringing emotional / mental calm
Eases... tired & aching muscles & joints...aching legs & swollen feet
the flow of lymph, cleansing toxic wastes & fat deposits from tissues
Promotes... better circulation & internal functioning of organs. Helps lethargy
Restores... an overall sence of harmony & renewed wellbeing within ones' self.

One massage cannot alleviate years of bad posture, stress etc...but there will usually be some improvement felt with any treatment & especially for those who have one regularly every month or so. If you introduce a friend or refer anyone else for a treatment (or shout her one) I'll give you a free Chamomile or Lavender herbal footbath at your next one hour visit...as well as the $5 discount for regulars. Combine your relaxing Aromatherapy massages & treatments with your own good eating & exercise routines. Walks do wonders...as do exercise bikes...especially the ones with moving handles.
Look after yourself & yes I'm talking to myself too!

Foot Reflexology...

Apart from a herbal foot bath & full foot reflexology treatment...doing specific foot reflexes are a valuable adjunct to anyother treatment...even if only focusing on one particular area of need...the neck reflexes for example. There are thousands of nerve endings on the soles, with reflex zones & points there & around the ankles & top parts of our feet...corresponding to every area of the body. The pain & gritty "crystals" under the skin will TELL YOU WHERE you need to work! I can show you where & how to massage your own reflexology points at home. (Or buy a book about it! Also try the Library)

What is your need?

As a starting point, I usually ask a client...what word do you relate to most today?
I feel I need to be...

Cleansed ~ (toxins, bloating, cellulite etc.)
Balanced ~ (emotions, depression, phobias etc.)
Healed ~ (muscular & joint pain relief, tension headaches etc.)
Calmed ~ (anxiety, fear, upset, insomnia etc.)
Energized ~ (tired, lethargic, despondent etc.)
Comforted ~ (dissapointment, grief, loss etc.)
Relaxed ~ (stress, anger, striving etc.)

These are the kinds of essential oils I might use in a blend for you...for

Beautifying / Comforting / Inner Healing
Neroli, Rose, Blue Chamomile, Lavender, Patchouli,
Calming of Nerves / Fears / Anxiety / Stress
Frankincense, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Neroli,
Vetiver, Mandarin, Pettigrain, Sweet Basil, Hypericum Oil

Bronchial / Sinus / Respiratory / Cough
Niaoli, Cajeput, Frankincense, Bergamot, Lavender,
Eucalyptus. Myrrh, Clove Bud, Aniseed, Peppermint,

Relaxing Muscles / Cramps & Joint Pain
Marjoram, Orange, Peppermint, Thyme, Ginger, Spike Lavender,
Geranium, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Black Pepper,

Balancing Emotions / Grief / Shock / Depression etc.
Geranium, Sandalwood, Rose, Bergamot, Lavender, Neroli,
Rosewood, Marjoram, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage,

Cellulite, Bloating / Circulation / Toxins
Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Rosemary, Chamomile, Rosemary, Lavender,
Geranium, Cypress, Lemon, Fennel, Black Pepper, Thyme, Eucalyptus etc
Energizing for Tiredness / Indiscision / Weak Muscles etc.
Peppermint, Rosemary, Ginger, Thyme

There are two good oils for relieving swollen breasts during lactation.
Using any of the popular oils for Aromatic inhalation is fine.
You can also massage your baby! (With certain, diluted essential oils only)
I have a "secret" blend of 4 "Ancient Oils" which has a wonderful synergy for spiritual healing work.
(synergy is the multiplied, layering effect which equals more than the sum total of the added ingredients)
Also I have a "Warming Blend" with analgesic properties for muscular pain & cramps...& a
"Cleansing" one for massaging cellulite or water retention as in swollen knees & feet etc.


The Ancient Way...
of natural healing & being refreshed was with the hands & extracts from the plants
& flowers of the earth..."I will be anointed with fresh oil" Psalm 92:10

THE APOTHECARY'S ART has been practiced for thousands of years in many countries. Oils from roses & other plants, herbs, spices, dried fruits like dates, Myrhh & Frankincense ...these were all regarded as exotic & valuable commodities & were traded by ships & camel trains between countries.
The Egyptians & later the Hebrews, after they came out of Egypt...used special recipes for personal grooming & beauty, as well as for religious ceremonies, anointing priests, kings, the dead, the sick etc. See Exodus & Song of Soloman for Biblical Oils. A woman called Mary broke her alabaster box containing precious nard/spikenard oil & poured it upon Yeshuah's head...both anointing Him as "King of the Jews"...& preparing Him for burial. The "odour filled the house" & the aroma would have still been noticable during his trial, journey through the city streets & crucification.
The priests / or medicine people in many cultures were also the healers that people went to...the "therapeutea". This shows how naturally religion & healing were regarded as being in common. I would think a lot of doctors now, would be shocked if a patient tried to broach the subject of their spiritual needs. They would either refer them to a psychiatrist or to see a minister of their prefered brand of religion. And how many Priests / Ministers can counsel about either natural health issues or modern medical practices, let alone treat people.

TO BE SICK was often superstitiously regarded as cursed by god...but health & prosperity were signs of the god's favour on a people or nation. We are understanding more & more today the links between emotions, mind & body. A happy, well balanced person with no worries IS more likely to also be healthier. Everthing is connected. We are constantly changing within & without & even small changes in diet or excercise effect the whole being in various ways! (Good = more Good results...bad = more bad results!)
In the middle ages, untold thousands of women were branded as witches & burnt alive by the Roman Catholic Church authorities, whether or not they confessed to "satanism" under horrendous torture. They were the healers & midwives who gave help & relief to sickly men & women through basic herbal lore. Cuddling & talking to your cat was considered a sure sign of witchcraft...they thought it was her demon helper! These folk healers with knowledge of herbs & various other things, like willowbark for headaches...were all there was was until men started to experiment with dead cadivas & establish schools of learning for medicine. People suffered terribly from surgery until cloroform was invented & used to sedate the poor patients...but it still took a woman called Florence Nightingale to overhaul the appalling hospitals where people died from infection etc.
During the plagues in London, the "doctors" woke masks packed with the highly effective anti bacterial plants like clove, rosemary, sage & garlic. They were also burnt on the streets to "fumigate" the air. It was proven to be very effective!

CHRIST Yeshuah / Jesus healed with a word or a touch...sometimes with mud & spit or by telling a person to do something...like go & wash in the river. This shows that God led him to heal different people in different ways & we have to pray & seek His Spiritual guidance for ourselves. Even he was branded as a sorcerer / magician / madman...& treated with ridicule, suspicion & envey for his miraculous healings by the religious Pharisees.The truth is they should have been praying for the sick themselves. His powerful anointing was a sign of God's blessing on his life & mission...& the reason people were flocking to him in droves. He told his disciples to EXPECT the same misunderstanding from the religious heirarchy "If they have called me Beelzebub what will they call you"
Christ / Messiah taught we should love Elyon our Spiritual Father, with all our heart, soul, mind & strength & treat others with kindness & respect...as we would want them to treat us. Not to judge but to heal. Not to cause fear but to set people free! How we serve God & do that is according to our own conscience & preferences. What if EVERYONE followed his teachings? Would there be any violence...any need for high concrete walls, door locks, prisons, police or fear?

MOTHER TERESA was an Angel of Peace & Love. It challenged me when I first saw her on TV programmes, caring for the destitute & dying lying on the streets of Calcutta. In unconditional Love she respected their chosen religious path...she didn't PREACH except by SHOWING her FAITH BY HER WORKS OF LOVE!
When a TV crew did some filming in the dark old building they were sure that without enough light the film would never turn out. It did come out ...but it had a "Golden Glow" & Mother Teresa said casually "Oh yes that's the Healing Light of Jesus" I'm sure many souls were blessed in her homes for the dying & sick...& still are as her work goes on.
I'm an independant believer with an upbringing in Christianity & many years in about 50 different traditional, charismatic & messianic churches & groups & 13 years studying other religions & new age thought. I hold to the personal WAY of the esoteric Inner Presence of the Holy Spirit & love of Elyon the Most High Father God as all important... rather than outer (exoteric) religion. I offer prayer for Messianic healing & anointing of oil & harp music ministry. There is of course no charge. Why should anyone charge for what they claim comes (free to them) from the Holy Spirit. Yeshuah said "freely you have received so freely give"..."Come to me all you who are thirsty, drink without price!"


Cut down on red meat, salt, sugar, tea, coffeee, white bread, potatoes, chips, pies, pastries, fried food, cakes, biscuits, butter, cheese, avacadoes...processed foods with a list of CHEMICAL additives, colourings & preservatives on the label such as tinned stews & frozen pies & other TV dinners.!
Also BEWARE OF ASPARTAME...& called by various brand names. It is the artificial sweetener promoted for weight loss. It causes brain tumours in laboratory animals & all sorts of symptoms in real people...like tremours, memory loss, anxiety, headaches, dizziness etc. & who knows what else...perhaps it sets off cancer? It is TOTALY UNNATURAL& POISONOUS. The famous Diet drinks are laced with it...as are even most chewable orange flavoured Vitamin C tablets! This is a toxic POISON...see web sites about it & the American government's coverup to allow it on the trusting public. They sacked the man in charge of their Food & Drugs Administration who opposed it.
Use an UPRIGHT GRILLER...they are great & cook both side at once! Add some fresh herbs, shallots & herb salt.Use light or skim milk, no or little marg or butter, seed / wholemeal bread or crackers, rice, fruit & vegetables, fish, chicken, without the fatty skin, sardines in spring water, extra virgin olive oil. Snack on fruit or the many yummy varieties of Corn Cakes/ Rice Cakes.
Exercise for ten minutes BEFORE meals. I have a great exercise bike with handles that push back & forth. Cost $10 at an op shop. A bracket of at least 20 - 40 minutes (several times a week) is neccessary to really get the heart rate up & help the circulation of blood & lymph as well as exercising muscles. This is what gives you the feeling of being flushed & energized. But even 10 minutes a day has an eccruing effect. (Or do the walk around the clothes line & backyard)
Even is you're really unfit or tired...some sort of movement/exercise is the best thing you can do. Just do a couple of minutes & keep trying...do it a few hours later & you'lll be surprised to realize it gets easier! Also a Vitamin B12 & Iron combintion may help tiredness & lethargy...as does inhaling certain essential oils (as in my list above)
I suggest taking a daily Multi B & or other Vitamin/ Mineral mix, OMega 3 or Flaxseed Oil, extra Calcium /Magnesium. Greenridge Herbal "LiverPlex" for indigestion/bowel problems & surprisingly it helps me with "hot flushes"! Brauer's Homeopathic "Nervatona" Tonic for nerves, worry & stress & glucosamine for repairing arthritic joints/swelling. Celery / Juniper or similiar herbal tablets work quickly to rid the body of excess water retention...swollen face, feet, hands etc. Only use sparingly as they say it can wash nutrients & minerals like potassium out too.
For INSOMNIA try drinking camomile tea or a couple of tea bags made up & added to a warm bath before bed. Also breathe in & rub some diluted chamomile oil ( it usually IS already diluted for the price factor!) over your forehead & neck & or on centre of soles of feet. Beautiful...it's called the "Woman's Herb" & is a great oil to use for PMT & menstrual discomfort on back & tummy...as is Rose Oil ( or Rosewood is a similiar but far cheaper alternative)
I like a cup of tea before bed but I use the Tetley brand of de-caffinated teabags which taste really good!
Essential Oils can be sniffed now & again straight from the bottle...& the smell effects the hypothalamus gland in the brain. Keep them out of sunlight in dark bottles & in a cool place, essential oils that have been blended with a base vegetable oil should be kept in the fridge. Vitamin E Oil added to a blend will help the shelf life. Most people know Aloe Vera & Vitamin E oil are good for healing burns & skin conditions.Try mixing in some opened Vit E capsules into your facial cream or first aid ointment.
WATER...don't forget nature's best medicine. Use a tap filter or bottled spring water...but get it inside your body so that it has something to make FRESH blood out of! Without enough water we get tired & even sick from toxic poisons, bacteria, unnatural food additives, colours, flavours & preservatives, bleach, perfumes, amalgum & the rotten rubbish & lactic acid (stiffness after exercise) that needs to be flushed out through the lymph system. Sore spots on/in your body are probably areas of stuck fluid, fat, muscle knots etc. Massage & movement helps to realax & move it. Our bodies are continually changing & renewing...& usually respond quickly to changes we make. (Tumors shouldn't be massaged) Some say Health foods & vitamins are expensive but so are X-Rays & specialist fees!

DISCLAIMER: The information given on this web site is for your interest & perusal but I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY for what any persons do with it or any reaction you / they may have to the essential oils or products mentioned...or their suggested usages. Most should be diluted...before any use & never put near eyes, mouth, groin or in ears. I do not suggest taking any essential oils orally...although there are exceptions but I will not go into that here.
ALSO: Any personal treatments or advice offered or done by myself...whether free or by a price...either on or off my home premises...while all care is taken...they are undertaken by the free choice of the client...who enters my property or place of business or market site space at their OWN RISK & accepts such massage or any other treatment at their OWN RISK...& I SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, in any way, for financial or any other remuneration...for any accidents, reactions or outcomes whatsoever to, on, or in their or any other persons...person or possessions.
FOR MY PROTECTION: It is understood that these terms of service are read & accepted by all my clients.
Thank you....S. S.


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