Welcome to Heaven


"Shalom, Shalom, Shalom...May His Peace be on us now, Shalom, Shalom, Shalom...
May His Peace be on us all...Thy Kingdom Come...Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven,
(From one of my songs)

"If you have been raised & are seated with the Messiah at the right hand of God (in Heaven)SET YOUR AFFECTIONS ON THINGS ABOVE not on things of the earth"

"I AM not of this world...I came forth from the Father & am returning to Him...I AM going to prepare a place for you & I will COME AGAIN to receive you to myself so that where I AM so you might be also"

"Whom the HEAVENS have received until the time of restoration of all things..."

Yahshuah/Jesus is waiting for you! What will you say to a Welcome like this? Let us never forget His Love.
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Heaven is the Home of the Heavenly Father
the Most High God...& His Angels...

Whom Christ came down, in the Miraculous Incarnation, to tell us about.

"I came FROM the Father & am going BACK to the Father"

When he was born on earth the Angels sang "Peace on earth & goodwill to men"
That is God's will for us all...to love Him & live peacefully & care for each other.
What a far cry from that state of GOODWILL the world is in...how many care about being Peaceful

or know about the Father's Love for each of us & His Laws of Love?

Heaven is the true Yerushalem...
The City of Peace where the streets are Gold & Crystal & Precious Stones...
the gates of Pearl & the Angels sing around God's Throne in an environment of Prayers, The Aromas of Incense & the sound of Harps...Like running Waters...as John the Beloved heard in his vision of the Book of Revelations.

What a beautiful place it is...so perfect & thousands of people are having NDE's, near death experiences,
& returning to tell us about what it is like there! (See books & web sites)
Everything about Heaven is just that...So Heavenly...With beautiful parks & mountains & flowers & luscious fruit & sparkly Fountains of Spiritual Water to drink from.

They say it just goes on & on but the Light is greatest at the Centre where God's Temple is.

Nothing dies in heaven...it is the place of Eternal Life...& there is no time there...it is the Realm of Eternity!

Nothing can enter into the Golden City unless it has been cleansed first by passing through the River of Life that flows out...& never runs dry. There is such abundance...because God is the Creator & He just keeps on creating & making new & interesting things. No one will ever get bored in Heaven...there is so much to see & do. We can travel on beautiful ships & flying aircrafts with first class accomodation...all free!
It is a place of growth...art, music, dance, libraries, universities...we'll just go on learning forever.

Our ability to comprehend & remember is increased beyond anything we're used to on earth
Earth is just a copy that pales in comparison...yet if they want to they can just "look down" to see what's happening here. They don't forget about us! They see differently. There is no anxiety or worry.
They know we will join them when our time comes...the Angels will be sent...God organizes everything!
Everything is prepared for us before we get there...PERFECT homes, EVERYTHING we will just love it!
No dust, dirt, mildew, rust...no more cleaning ladies...no more sweating to earn a living!
A perfect temperature too.

Little babies who died on earth

have special Angel carers to love & bring them up for their mothers until they are reunited. But mothers need to realize they are growing up! What an amazing place, I can hardly wait

Colour & Music & Interesting People to Meet

Every where one looks there are beautiful colours & hues...rainbows & flowers & beautiful music wafting around. One feels so safe in Heaven...it is the CENTRE...from which everything else God ever created goes out in CIRCLES...like ripples...on & on...forming more & more "CIRCLES WITHIN CIRCLES" which move & interact with each other & eventually return to their SPIRITUAL SOURCE...to be refreshed, energized & transformed into NEW CREATIONS. This goes on forever & ever...yet at the CENTRE...THE SPIRITUAL SOURCE...


"I AM the Lord...I change not"

"I AM that I AM"

There are people in Heaven from all nations & tribes & languages. Some are older, some are younger but all are in perfect, radiant health. They can't stop nodding & smiling at each other. They probably remember what it was like on earth compared to being there! They still look different & dress differently but they FEEL EQUAL...for they know they are ALL children of the Father. All are individual & totally unique but still equal. It's this sence of EQUALITY & LOVE & SHARING that creates the HARMONY OF HEAVEN!

They are ALL New Creations who will never die again for their NEW bodies don't get old & their sandles & clothes don't get worn out!...(Just like the children of Israel in the wilderness when God provided supernaturally for them & even sent down "Angel's food from Heaven"!) They have left behind their own particular brand of religion "about God" for NOW they KNOW HIM AS HE REALLY IS...and they Love Him in a Spiritual & Truthful WAY.


One of the messages Yeshua gave us when He was on earth, was that

"God is a Spiritual Being & those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit & in Truth for the Father IS SEEKING for those who will worship / love / adore Him
in this Spiritual & Truthful WAY"

He said this would be possible with the coming of the Holy Spirit...
God's own Spirit to fill us & teach us all that is pleasing to the Father".

There is NO MONEY in Heaven...so that means everything is FREE!

Can we even imagine that? We are so used to the strain of our society where money HAS to be a part of our daily lives...it is basic to survival. We cannot entirely ecape from the endless bills & rent & food costs.

Think of all the pain & suffering money has caused on earth. All the crimes & murders that have occured because of it! There is strain to aquire it & stress at not being enough to go around, or from squandering it or losing it or having it stolen etc. Money is a curse...no wonder there wouldn't be any in God's Kingdom!

And because there are no negative or selfish traits...there isn't any jealousy or pushing or need to grab the "best" first. Everyone has what IS BEST for them.

I've often wonder if they have special shops where we could go to browse around & the Angels would give us beautiful clothing & jewelry to wear. Perhaps they can design & make up anything we desire. How gorgeous it would be & all free forever & ever! "Oh I think I'll have this with that and shoes to match thank you."

Heaven is an entirely different order of existance. Not striving to get...but giving & receiving in Love

Because it's more of a blesing to give than to receive I suppose an artist would delight in making pictures & GIVING THEM AWAY...I may make Jewellery with Heavenly beads that some glass blower makes & give to me!

It's fun to think about...why should dying be a dreaded thing if we REALLY believe in such a place as Yeshua & those who've died & come back describe????


"For the Light of God lights it & there is no NEED of the sun"
In fact there ARE NO NEEDS! It can take a while for many souls to adjust.

Evidently there are sort of Convalescent / Healing rooms where special carers nurture those who have had a traumatic death experience or shock etc...& can gradually accept their new home & surroundings.

Not every soul is ready & mature enough spiritually to go straight to the City of God.
There are many dwelling places in the Father's Presence Jesus / Yeshua said so

I can hardly wait to go but when I do...unless Lord Yeshua comes for us first...don't cry for me. As my Dad said...be happy for me! For when someone dies here it's like waving goodbye to someone going away on a cruise ship. As the ship dissapears out of view on the horizon we can't see them any more...but soon other loved ones & friends will be seeing that person COMING TOWARDS THEM..for those who love us, haven't forgotten us & will be there to meet us. In fact they...EVERYONE IN HEAVEN, THE SPIRITUAL REALM, CAN still see us here! Doesn't it say in Hebrews that "Since we have such a great cloud of witnesses, let us run our race with patience...looking unto Jesus /Yeshua who is the author & finisher of our FAITH."

We all have faith...because

"Christ lights everyone who comes into the world"

& gives them spiritual instincts & giftings. They may lay dormant until we start to seek & long to experience God inside ourselves.Then the Holy Spirit wakes our spirit up...& we realize Heaven is not a long way away...but ALSO through the wonderful Power of the Holy Spirit of God...right INSIDE OUR HEARTS.

This is called "the communion of the saints"...the "church of the first born who are in Heaven"

So what happens to naughty people? We don't have to be afraid of God judging us if we try to love him and help other people. If we are naughty we only have to say we are sorry & start again.God doesn't expect us to be perfect...He looks at our hearts & can tell what our real attitudes & desires are.
As we all know some people are VERY NAUGHTY & aren't even SORRY for their crimes & bad attitudes...
God doesn't have to judge them because he has a self fulfilling law called

"You reap what you sow"...and... "A man will be judged by his OWN words"

They will obviously go to be with others the same as themselves...the soul group THEY have chosen, according to the WAY they have thought & acted on earth!
We all have a free will & can choose how we want to be.

Either living in a Sacred, Holy WAY out of Love for God & man...or in a selfish way...without love for God or anyone or anything else.

Yeshua said "can a good tree bring forth bad fruit...or a bad tree produce good fruit?...therefore you will know them by their fruit"...that means the effect a person has on others. The Fruit / effects / results of the Spirit of God is Love, joy, hope, peace, kindness, patience, benevolence etc. The fruit of the natural, selfish soul is all the negative attitudes & behaviours like anger, lieing, covetousness, murder, witchcraft, rioting, adultery, heresy, immorality etc. "We know that those who do such things will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God"

Perhaps when they are treated BY OTHERS...AS THEY have treated others...they will change their mind (repent / be converted / change their thinking) & cry out for mercy.

We know that Yeshuah is Lord of Heaven & that He has the Keys of hell...so He can go there anytime His name is called on. "If I go to the highest realms you are there...or into the lowest parts...you are still there" God doesn't FORCE anyone in earth or heaven to obey Him & keep His Laws / Words of Love. We will learn our spiritual lessons sooner or later, in one way or the other. The wise ones do it now!

There are only TWO WAYS...Love or fear.

In earthly experience we ALL experience the duality of TWO different natures...one of fear & doubt...the other of Love & faith. Lord Yeshuah said the greatest commandment is to love God & others as ourselves...By choosing the TRUTH of this ETERNAL SPIRITUAL "LOVE" we make the higher love nature stronger...& all that is of the LIE...the lower satan ego nature of fear, rebellion, guilt, worldly ambition, religious pride, lust, hatred, bigitory fade away...loses its power to hurt, steal, & destroy our souls.

When..."The Lord is my shepherd"...& I Love Him FIRST...& make Him Lord over everything in my life...then it all happens automatically..."He restores my soul..." Psalm 23

Heaven is Harmony

Most problems on earth come from either other people or ourselves NOT LOVING GOD with ALL our hearts & souls & minds & strength &...NOT "Seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God"...that is to be in perfect HARMONY on earth with the HARMONY of Heaven.

In Heaven ALL DELIGHT TO BE IN OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WILL OF LOVE...& all is at Peace..IN HIS PEACE...for this is the abode of God...& He only shares His dwelling place with those who are in PERFECT HARMONY OF LOVE...& the ONLY PERFECT LOVE...IS THIS SPIRITUAL LOVE.

That which is outside of God's PERFECT LAW OF LOVE becomes chaos...
& a struggle with duality, fear & pain. Human being weren't designed to stand such stress.

That's why they take on addictive & compulsive behaviours to try & SURVIVE! Not knowing the Way of Christ

FEAR is the natural inner state of people who are OUT of HARMONY with God & Heaven
LOVE is the natural inner state of people who are in IN HARMONY with God & Heaven

If we sow to the lower/selfish/fearful nature we will reap of that...SPIRITUAL DEATH & AGONY OF SOUL
but if we sow to the higher/giving/love nature we will reap of that...SPIRITUAL LIFE & PEACE OF SOUL!

The Father just WANTS HIS CHILDREN around Him...it's up to us to return His Great Love

So see you in Heaven...God Bless Shoshan


THE ANGELS SING TO GOD...with Harps & the Incense of our Prayers



"Rejoice in this, that your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life"
"And He will lead them to springs of life giving water"



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