The Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cornuta)
Horned frog
(Ceratophrys cornuta )
from the central Amazon region at Manaus

This frog usually digs himself backwards into the leaf litter with only the enormous head sticking out, where it then will remain motionless for hours. Whenever anything edible passes, the frog will swoop and swallow it with one swift and powerful snap.

The prey may actually be nearly as big as the horned frog itself.
Ceratophrys cornuta is an "explosive breeder" which means that during one particular night - preferably after heavy downpour - hundreds of frogs will gather at a pond to mate. They are usually joined by various other species of explosive breeders. In such nights, the sound of thousands of frog calls makes the air vibrate. It can be heard for more than a kilometre, even though normally sound does not travel far in the rain forest.
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