It seems EVERYTHING "new"
needs repair today.




They sure are not making them
the "old- fashioned" way




that is to say
in a way that would WORK




so we're left losing money
and made to feel like a jerk.




You send something out
needing one part fixed
and when it returns
it's completely "remixed".





Some doctors are the same way too:



"Oops.. you didn't need that part...did you?!"




Cars go in reverse when you are in drive



Planes fall down from the sky.



It's a miracle IF we can survive
through all the things we buy.




Now should you get to heaven before I do
don't pull me through with anything "NEW".




And if you get stuck



'cause things run amuck



it would be much easier if you
just sent them off to the zoo.




So try to have a good day
no matter what may come your way.




Just remember,
with all we go through,
I wish you well and am here for you.






Page design, and writing
© by frecs 7/25/01, 2005

"Rag Midi"
composed and © by:

Jef Fiorini

Graphics are from
and thank you's to:

Annie's World

Sweet N Sassy's Gifs Galore

Pat's Flat

Bev's Nursing & Medical Gifs

with copyright

Be kind to your
fellow webber

and do not
link to images.


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