
This is a special page to the parents and swimmers in KSAS....
pls take the time to scroll through as these are the dedications from me to u.....
Thanx a lotz for your time........

I'll start with the swimmers...

Yu Sheng:I'm thankful that u're my pet bro..Nevertheless you're one of the best..Stay smart!
Lucas:Well..u've been such a kind fren..remember u're never alone..God Bless!
Matthew:I haven't been close to u..Sorry for not understanding..u're still my good fren eva...
Siew Ghee:Alwiz the funny one...thanx for makin ppl laugh...U Rox!
Shermayne:Aha!..I wouldn't think negative ne'more..U've taught me things i will 4 eva remember,Dun worry..i can
 fit in well now..
Shaleeni:U've been a wonderful person..I thank God that u're here..Truly one of a kind..Stay in touch!`
Siew Aun:Thanx for caring..good luck..
Pauline:One of the sweetest person i ever known..thanx for coming into my life
Sin seanne:Though u are capable of a quick temper at times,u're still one and only to me..Stay nice.
Eng han:Hope we stay in contact,,It will be horrible to lose a fren like u..
Pearl lin:Cute and one of my closest frens..Thanx for listening...
Miao Sern:Sorry i bang into u so many times during training..It was an accident!=).Thanx for being so forgiving
Timothy:Though i dun see u often..but u mean much to me..hope u stay the same!
Nicholas:U will be a very good swimmer in times to come..Train hard...
Khay shern:Thnax for all the positive thinking advices when i needed them..u're the best!
Bobby:Sorry for spelling ur name wrong so many times..but now i finally got it right!
Joanna:Just be yourself..Dun care wat other ppl think..
Lih Tyng:Cute In Pink!
Rui Yuan:u're much more sociable now...thats very good..
Rui Fong:Although i dun have many conversations with u..but i still treasure u as a good fren
Yi Wen:Thanx for being there for me in my times of need....and thanx again for being such a patient person
Yit Wei:Alwiz smiling..nice person to talk to
Yit Weng:..U will be succesful one day....never give up!
Siew Jin:U're a determined boy..keep it up..
May Zinn:U're quite quiet..but very fun to be with...

And now for the parents........
parents play an important role...without them,we wouldn't be able to come training..and without their support..we equally would not succeed..thanx to all parents!!

Uncle Andrew:Thanx uncle, for fetching me home sometimes..
Auntie Susan:Thanx u for being so warm and bubbly
Uncle Kevin:Never showing an angry look..
Mr Woo:Sorry for not being responsible sometimes,Mr Woo..Thanx for being generous at times
Mrs Woo..Equally Generous and friendly...=)
Mr Ang:Coach.thanx for being tolerant with me all this time although i dissapoint u sometimes
Auntie May:Very Sociable and kind too!
Uncle Yong:Alwiz matter wat..
Mr and Mrs Ng:Thanx for the ride to and from club..and sorry for the trouble sometimes..
Mr Ong and Mrs Ong:Alwiz understanding and helpful...
Auntie Josephine and Uncle Victor:Thanx for being so kind..I appreciate all the help given..
Mr Kung and Mrs Kung:Nice to talk to..thanx for being so caring
Uncle soon:I admire Uncle because he's so good in Maths!
Mrs Soon:Thanx for teaching me accounts for a period of time..Thanx for being patient with me..i'm thankful
Dr Ow:A loyal parent...still coming by to visit us once in awhile..thanx!

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