The Headquarters Of KSAS

Once, a very long time ago, when the sounds of explosion can be heard in this small land of Selangor, war was on full speed... screams of pain, anguish and desperation can be heard all over the land... Gunshots can be heard - continuously.. Soldiers were holding tight to their weapons, as if their lives depended on it. Harried looking people were locked in their homes resembling a caged bird... In the midst of them all... our executive chief general fought with bravery along with his trusty companions which consists of chief generals and sub generals. Bodies fall... blood was poured onto the land... the screaming continued... The war ended ... our executive chief general fled with his companions...

Some said he died... others just assumed he disappeared... No one has heard of him... ever since... that time...

Somewhere deep, deep inside the province of Shah Alam... in a Minangkabau shaped "palace", where The Executive Chief General and his companions were hiding, plotting, planning....

Ex.C.General: We shall have to establish a new team... with new powerful strong leaders who will lead the remaining battle and gain victory...
C.General: Sir!! It's time to train and recruit new people.
S.General: Yes! Yes!! That's right!!!
Ex.C.General: We shall call our new team... KSAS!!! The victorious call has come... we shall ARISE!!
Everyone: Yes!!! Victory is in the palm of our hands!!

And thus, formed thee our new team which compromise powerful members with special abilities.. KSAS Rulez!!

The Higher Ranks

Meet the Commandos

Soldiers under preparation

Soldiers Out for War

Soldiers Having Fun Time

Happenings and News

Swimming Techniques

KSAS Awards


          PERSON OF THE MONTH......

irresistable lil fella we all know..matt is alwiz a happy-go-lucky kinda person
alwiz jokin around..thats why we decide to put him on our list this month
any gurls interested?=)

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