One Crrrrrazy Summer!
Last summer, I worked in Frederick, MD for an internship.  Maryland is beautiful (well, most of it).  I picked fresh blueberries for the first time and visited our nation's capital frequently.  Here are some pictures from "My Maryland Experience"!
This is the "house" we survived in called Brunswick.  What an interesting little piece of crap town that was.  Notice the peeling paint, the steep incline, the classy toys in front.  We paid $800/mo. for this dump and had to share the phoneline with the banjo-playing, deliverance-acting neighbors!  I'll always miss you Sissy & Fuzz!
Me on the beach in Ocean City, MD.  It gets cold in Maryland in September!  This southern gal aint used to that!    That's John with me, he was one of my first clients.
Check out them legs!  This is me camping and drinking a beer in western Maryland.  I was very fortunate to be located right along the Appalacian Trail. .
HOLDING BACK THE TEARS! My last day, 2 hours before I left Maryland for good.  I'm so proud of myself for spending the summer someplace new.  I had a GREAT time!
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