About Me:
Welcome to my web page.  This web page is a summary of my accomplishments interests and goals.  I feel that I have led a fairly interesting life and I know that I have a fairly broad group of interests, so I hope your visit to this web page is enjoyable.

First off my life has been interesting and unique ever since my birth.  I was born in Mexico in the northern state of Chihuahua.  This has provided me with unique opportunities to view the world and a perspective on the Latin American Cultures.  Because I attended high-school and I am from Mexico, I am very proud of the Latin American cultures, and I consider myself in many ways to be Latino.  I stand up for the family and the traditional values.  I applaud the Latin American respect for themselves and for others. And I am sorrowed by the sad reality that the respect that Latin Americans show to others more often than not is never reciprocated.  I love the foods of Latin America whether it be pupusas of Central America or the Gordidas of Mexico.

At the age of 19 my life became even more interesting.  As most male members of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I too embarked on a mission to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to wherever the church deems to send us.  My mission call was received and I left to spend two years in Brazil.  In Brazil I learned a lot about the gospel, because I was teaching it to other people.  I learned about other people because I was mingling and getting to know many different types of people on a daily basis.  I learned about myself.  I learned how deeply one can feel for someone else's sorrow.  I learned how to, like the Brazilians, live life with the fullest of joy despite the circumstances.  More than anything the mission helped me to develop a stronger relationship with the Saviour.  While teaching his gospel many times on a daily basis one learns that the basic fundamentals of the Gospel are the most important, and that more can be taught through how an individual carries himself than through anything he could say.  Yet besides teaching there are ways in which one ones learns more.  One of those if through examining the lives of those who have been blessed by the Savior as they exercise their faith.  As I coached people through their difficulties I learned about the incredible power of the Atonement.  Through means as simple as personal prayer the missionary experience helps the young adult to draw closer to Jesus Christ and to learn about his abounding love.

As the mission came to a close it became time for me to leave the comparably comfortable world of teaching the gospel daily to people who are worried about finances, studies, family, and other responsibilities.  At this time it became time for me to enter the decidably more difficult world of living the gospel while worrying about finances, studies, creating a family, and other responsibilities.  The year and a half that I have been home from my mission have also been very rewarding and full.

To make things less complicated I returned to the junior college (which is now
BYU Idaho, a four year college) where I had already studied one year, and finished up my Associates degrees.  I have many interests which I feel are very marketable if pursued to the fullest instead of having to compromise any of them for simplicity's sake.  Because of that I pursued degrees (as you can see on my resume page) in three of the fields that interest me the most.  Economics, accounting, budgets efficiency and processes became one of my intellectual pets while I would sit around the dinner table and listen to my Father.  This interest prompted me to follow a career in Business Management where I could make my interests more marketable.  Because of my intense exposure to the Latin American Culture from such a young age and throughout the majority of my life; I was fascinated with Latin American Literature and Culture.  This fascination led me to do what was necessary to qualify for an associates degree in Spanish.  Although my fascination with Latin America runs very deeply my interests and curiosity are not limited to Latin America.  The reasons for my degree in International Studies are also very deep and meaningful to me.  As I saw many Japanese, German, and Arabic people in Brazil I began to realize international migrations, alliances, and interests are not as simple as the US media portrays and as many people presume.  This only added wood to the existing flame of my curiosity and interest about Asian and Arabic cultures.  Learned snippets of numerous nation's languages including Japanese, Hindi, and Nahuatl (the language of the Aztecs) through speaking with speakers of those languages.  I have also formally studied a some Mandarin Chinese which I have found fascinating.  My goal is to become fluent in at least two more languages and to achieve a greater familiarity with a larger number of languages.  As fortune would have it the next language of my focus is Albanian, because I met my Albanian Princess.

While preparing to leave on a travel study to Canada and to Mexico City some friends and I were visiting the home of friend I met the most wonderful person whom I have ever known.  While the complete story of this our remarkable friendship can be found by clicking on the hyperlink to
Albanian Princess let it be known that I regard her with the most profound love and the deepest respect and appreciation.

Since I have graduated with my associates degree I have come to Washington DC. where I am learning about the positions in my fields of study and where I feel I will probably establish my residence and build my family.  Although I do not by any means plan to stop studying until I have graduated with at least a Master's Degree or more likely a PhD.  One of the fields of study that interests me a lot is computers because I have superior computer skills, and I have tested very highly in all of the Microsoft word applications as well as many others.  But, because the life I desire has a lot more than hours in front of computer screen is highly possible that I follow my other interest of International Economics.  Two of the premier institutions that deal with International Economics are right by each other here in Washington DC and they are the
IMF and the World Bank.  I would be very satisfied working at either one of these two institutions.  As I have many goals and aspirations I also have many hobbies interests and hobbies to keep me sane.

Among the many things that I enjoy to do for fun are outdoor sports, because it contributes to my peace of mind and my health.  I love to swim on  a regular basis, I go biking whenever I have the opportunity, and I go rappelling with my sweetie quite often (rappelling is descending a cliff using a rope; it is done a lot by rock climbers and is much safer).  While I don't go very often because it strains my budget as a student, I also enjoy snow skiing.

One of the sports which I love and brings me very fond memories of my childhood is water-skiing.  With my Dad's boat and with the rest of the family we would go water-skiing every weekend.  It is here that I learned and I practiced enough to become compete, and I won the third medal for my age group in the Mexican national competitions.  While still at home I loved to fly with my Dad in his ultra light airplane.  Roller blading, and motorcycle riding are also memories I have of my time in my Father's house.

Now that I am at college I am cultivating other interests that are more within my reach.  Edlira and I make it a habit to watch movies together and to go out to eat quite often together (we usually eat Chinese food).  I love to go Latin Dancing and I go whenever I have the opportunity.  I love working on my car, designing my web page, reading, listening to world music, practicing
capoeira collecting international phone cards, coins, and currencies (notes or bills).  I love cooking (especially cheesecake) and I like to cook new recipes, if I have eaten some myself first and know that it is good.  Actually what I like more than cooking is eating, especially if I am with Edlira.  What I love more than anything is spending time with my precious Edlira and learning about the treasure she is!!
This picture was taken at Eli's apartment soon after he had opened his Mission Call to Nashville, TN Spanish Speaking.
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