Stories From Late 2002
December 18, 2002
    Wow! Daddy and Gus went to see The Two Towers tonight. They were blown away. What a great movie. Gus, of course, was captivated by Saruman and the Uruk Hai (which would be a good name for a punk band). Daddy loved the scenery and has decided he wants to go to New Zealand, where the movie was filmed, some day soon. Daddy was none too happy with the liberties taken with the plot, but the movie was great nonetheless. Neither Gus nor Daddy can wait for next December to see The Return of the King!
November 26, 2002
    Gus had his first Chess Club meeting yesterday after school. He learned about castling and en passant, which he called his secret move. He must have learned some other stuff, too, because he had Daddy worried throughout much of tonight's chess match. One lapse of watchfulness, though, was all it took for Daddy to take Gus's queen, and it was all downhill from there. As he becomes more able to maintain his concentration, he'll become more able to beat Daddy. He has also begun to think several moves ahead, and he demonstrated some of this in tonight's match. If he keeps at it, he'll be quite a chess player some day.
November 25, 2002
    Tonight on the way home from picking Daddy up from work, Zoe was looking forward to Thanksgiving. "What's Thanksgiving like?"
    "Well," Daddy replied. "There's turkey, and mashed potatoes, and cranberries, and stuffing, and corn..." Daddy rattled off a list of good things.
    "Is it warm out?"
    "No, it's not usually warm."
    "Uh-huh," said Zoe, who's not usually wrong about many things. "It was warm at the first Thanksgiving."
    "Oh?" replied Daddy. "How do you know?"
    "I remember."
November 18, 2002
    At bedtime, Mommy reads Zoe a story, then Daddy sings her a song. Tonight, she chose "This Old Man." When he got to "This old man/He plays nine," Daddy couldn't remember what the old man played nine on. For lack of the right word, Daddy and Zoe settled on a lime.
    When Daddy tucked Gus in, he asked Gus what the right word was. Gus couldn't think of it, so he started to sing the song, thinking it would come without thinking. What he came up with was this: "This old man/He played nine/He played knick knack on a recliner."
    Gus had to do a book report in school recently on a fantasy book. He originally wanted to do The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, but that was too big a book to do. Since Gus wanted to do his report on a Tolkien book, Daddy told him he should do "Farmer Giles of Ham," which, technically, isn't a book, but is a fairly long story. It is also one of Daddy's favorite stories in the world. It's in a book Daddy has, along with "Smith of Wootton Major." Gus thought "Smith of Wootton Major" was a better story to do, principally because it's about 40 pages shorter.
    Boy was he wrong. It's a much harder story to do a report on because there is a much less active and linear plot. There are many more subtleties for a young reader to work through, and the plot is more intellectual than physical. It's a fairly serious story, and the words themselves are harder than the typical fourth-grade fantasy story. Gus did some wonderful artwork for his book report, but he needed some help sorting out what to actually write.
    To celebrate finishing the report, Daddy read "Smith of Wootton Major" to Gus as a bedtime story last night. It flowed better for Gus when he listened to Daddy read it, and it made more sense. Maybe that should've been done at the beginning of the process.
    Tonight, Daddy read the first half of "Farmer Giles of Ham," which is a more simple and lighthearted story of a quest to kill a dragon. On a more adult level, it is quite satirical of human nature. Gus was very much into the story, and asked questions about the characters' Latin names and the meanings of things like "vulgar tongue" and "blunderbuss." We left off just as Farmer Giles is setting off to find the dragon, and we can't wait for bedtime tomorrow night.
November 15, 2002
    We went to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets tonight. It was great! Before the movie, Gus didn't really want to go because "Harry Potter is stupid." But he enjoyed himself a lot. Maybe it was the chicken strips, fries, and Mello Yello. Maybe it was the movie. Maybe it was both. Zoe also enjoyed the movie, but not for as long. By the 2/3 point, Zoe just wanted to go home and go to bed. She was very tired, as we had gone to the 9:00 showing. There were some really scary parts, too. Mommy and Daddy both loved the movie and thought it was better than Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
November 5, 2002
    Zoe went with Mommy to vote today, so when they went to pick Daddy up from work, Zoe knew all about voting. On the way home, Mommy dropped Daddy off at Jefferson School so he could vote, and Zoe went with to help.
    As they entered the school, Daddy asked Zoe if she'd voted, and she said, "Da-ad! I'm too little!" Then she asked, "Did you vote when you were little?" Daddy remembered voting in school, so he said, "Sure." In retrospect, he realizes that that was only for presidential elections. Going back to first grade, Daddy has been a pretty good bellweather for presidential elections. Unless you count Nixon, the only time Daddy voted for a loser was when Ford lost to Carter.
    Zoe's teacher, Miss Tiedeman, was voting when Daddy and Zoe got to the gymnasium to cast Daddy's ballot. She let Zoe put her ballot into the machine, and then Zoe showed Daddy how to put his ballot into the machine. Of course, Daddy had to goof around and try to put the ballot in the wrong way, but once Zoe showed him, it sucked the ballot right out of his hand. When it wasn't kicked right back out, the election judge told Zoe, "Must've been the right way!"
    Florida we're not!
November 4, 2002
    On the days she has off, Mommy has been ferrying Daddy to and from work. This gives Daddy the extra time he so desperately needs in the morning that would be taken up by parking the car in the lot and riding the bus downtown. After a few miscommunications, we've finally struck upon a good way for the pick-up to work. Daddy calls just as he's ready to leave. By the time he manages to get an elevator (more easily said than done at 5:00 on the 19th floor) and get downstairs, he has very little waiting to do until his family shows up.
    Sometimes Zoe answers the phone when Daddy calls for his ride, and this leads to mixed results. At times, Zoe is very capable and goes to tell Mommy that Daddy is ready. Other times, the message is broadcast throughout the house at the top of Zoe's lungs. Much to Daddy's chagrin, Zoe doesn't yet realize that she needs to hold the phone away from her mouth when she does this.
    Today, Zoe wasn't sure where Mommy was, so she said to Daddy, "I'll go find her. Wait here."
August 29, 2002
    Daddy and Zoe helped Daddy's friends Kelly and Josh move to their new place in Kasson. The following conversation took place on the way back to Rochester:
    Zoe: How fast are we going?
    Daddy: 65
    Zoe: How fast are those cars going?
    Daddy: 62
    Zoe: How do you know?
    Daddy: I'm just guessing.
    Zoe: I think they're going 85.
    Daddy: If they were going 85 they'd be passing us.
    Zoe: Those cars in front of us are.
    Daddy: I bet we'll catch them.
    Zoe (patting the top of the stick shift): How fast does this baby go?
    As Daddy and Zoe arrived in Rochester, this conversation took place.
    Zoe: I have a headache.
    Daddy: Oh, no!
    Zoe: It hurts right here.
    Daddy: Why don't you close your eyes and relax?
    Zoe: I closed my eyes.
    Daddy: Oh.
    Zoe: I wish I'd wake up from this horrible dream.
    Daddy: Oh?
    Zoe: Dad, when will I wake up from this horrible dream?
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