Where is Your Place on the Medicine Wheel?

21 March-19 April  ~ Falcon
20 April- 20 May ~ Beaver
21 May- 20 June ~ Deer
21 June-21 July ~ Woodpecker
22 July-21 Aug. ~ Salmon
22 Aug-21 Sept. ~ Brown Bear
22 Sept.-22 Oct. ~ Crow
23 Oct-22 Nov. ~ Snake
23 Nov.- 21 Dec. ~ Owl
22 Dec.- 19 Jan ~ Goose
20 Jan- 18 Feb ~ Otter
19 Feb-20 March ~ Wolf

Birth dates: 21 March - 19 April.
Earth influence: The Awakening Time.
Influencing wind: The East Winds. Totem: Eagle.
Direction: North-east.
Predominant element: Fire.
Elemental clan: Hawk (Fire) Clan. Function: to initiate.
Birth and animal totem: Falcon.
Plant totem: Dandelion.
Mineral totem: Opal.
Polarity totem: Crow.
Affinity colour: Yellow/green.
Musical vibration: C sharp.
Personality: Active. Forceful. Impetuous.
Feelings: Quickly aroused.
Intention: Activity - new beginnings.
Nature: Impulsive.
Positive traits: Enterprising. Pioneering. Adventurous. Affable.
Negative traits: Selfish. Egotistical. Impatient. Ostentatious.
Sex-drive: Easily aroused. Quick, fiery and passionate.
Compatibilities: Salmon and Owls.
Conscious aim: To initiate and lead.
Subconscious desire: Knowledge through personal experience.
Life-path: Establishment of individuality through discernment.
I Ching trigram: Ch'ien. Heaven. Success through effort.
Spiritual alchemy: Yang predominates.
Must cultivate: Patience. Persistence. Compassion.
Must avoid: Vanity. Conceit. Intolerance.
Starting totems: Falcon. Eagle. Hawk. Dandelion. Opal. Crow.

Birth dates: 20 April - 20 May.
Earth influence: The Growing Time.
Influencing wind: The East Winds. Totem: Eagle. Direction: East.
Predominant element: Earth with Fire.
Elemental clan: Turtle (Earth) Clan. Function: to consolidate.
Birth and animal totem: Beaver.
Plant totem: Wild Clover
Mineral totem: Jasper bloodstone.
Polarity totem: Snake.
Affinity colour: Yellow.
Musical vibration: D sharp.
Personality: Determined. Resourceful. Opinionated. Methodical.
Feelings: Highly strung.
Nature: Industrious.
Intention: Possession.
Positive traits: Strong-willed. Businesslike. Persistent.
Negative traits: Possessive. Self Indulgent. Inflexible.
Sex-drive: Demanding.
Compatibilities: Woodpeckers, Brown Bears and Geese.
Conscious aim: Security through possession.
Subconscious desire: Freedom from attachments.
Life-path: To discover and possess that which has lasting value.
I Ching trigram: Li. Clinging Fire. Success through persistence.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Must cultivate: Adaptability. Enterprise. Compassion.
Must avoid: Possessiveness. Inflexibility. Stubbornness.
Starting totems: Beaver. Eagle. Turtle. Wild clover. Jasper bloodstone. Snake.

Birth dates: 21 May - 20 June.
Earth influence: The Flowering Time.
Influencing wind: The East.Winds. Totem: Eagle. Direction: South-east.
Predominant elements: Air with Fire.
Elemental clan: Butterfly (Air) Clan.
Birth and animal totem: Deer.
Plant totem: Mullein.
Mineral totem: Agate.
Polarity totem: Owl.
Affinity colour: Orange.
Musical vibration: E natural.
Personality: Quick. Alert. Talkative. Congenial. Moody.
Feelings: Sensitive but superficial.
Intention: Versatility
Nature: Lively.
Positive traits: Friendly. Witty. Intellectual.
Negative traits: Inconsistent. Restless. Lazy. Despondent.
Sex-drive: Titillating.
Compatibilities: Crows and Otters.
Consious aim: To bring together.
Subconscious desire: Mastery of the mind.
Life-path: Co-ordination.
I Ching trigram: Tui. The Joyful Lake. Success comes through endurance.
Spiritual alchemy: Yang predominates.
Must cultivate: Concentration. Persistence. Sympathy.
Must avoid: Moodiness. Inconsistency. Superficiality.
Starting totems: Deer. Eagle. Butterfly. Mullein. Agate. Owl.

Birth dates: 21 June - 21 July.
Earth influence: The Long Days Time.
Influencing wind: South Winds. Totem: Mouse. Direction: South-south-east.
Predominant element: Water.
Elemental clan: Frog (Water) Clan. Function: to merge.
Birth and animal totem: Woodpecker.
Plant totem: Wild rose.
Mineral totem: Rose quartz.
Polarity totem: Goose.
Affinity colour: Rose.
Musical vibration: F natural.
Personality: Emotional. Sensitive. Protective. Vulnerable.
Feelings: Maternal/Paternal. Romantic.
Intention: Devotion.
Nature: Exacting.
Positive traits: Imaginative. Tender. Thrifty. Sympathetic.
Negative traits: Possessive. Moody. Unforgiving.
Sex-drive: Needful.
Compatibilities: Snakes, Wolves and Beavers.
Conscious aim: Emotional unfoldment.
Subconscious desire: Timeliness.
Life-path: Assimilation.
I Ching trigram: Tui. Lake.Desire for contentment.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Must cultivate: Intuitiveness. Resourcefulness. Forgiveness.
Must avoid: Self-pity. Envy. Possessiveness.
Starting totems: Woodpecker. Mouse. Frog. Wild rose. Rose quartz. Goose

Birth dates: 22 July - 21 August.
Earth influence: The Ripening Time.
Influencing wind: South Winds. Totem: Mouse. Direction: South.
Predominant elements: Fire with Water.
Elemental clan: Hawk (Fire) Clan. Function: To do.
Birth and animal totem: Salmon.
Plant totem: Raspberry.
Mineral totem: Carnelian.
Polarity totem: Otter.
Affinity colour: Red.
Musical vibration: F sharp.
Personality: Proud. Energetic.Confident. Enthusiastic.
Feelings: Passionate. Intense.
Intention: Rulership.
Nature: Demanding.
Positive traits: Generous. Magnanimous. Creative.
Negative traits: Domineering. Arrogant. Dogmatic. Intolerant.
Sex-drive: Insatiable.
Compatibilities: Owls and Falcons.
Conscious aim: To rule.
Subconscious desire: Emotional stability.
Life-path: To find purpose.
I Ching trigram: K'an. Water. Desire for consistency.
Spiritual alchemy: Yang predominates.
Must cultivate: Tolerance. Sound judgement. Emotional stability.
Must avoid: Arrogance. Egotism. Pomposity. Indolence.
Starting totems: Salmon. Mouse. Hawk. Raspberry. Carnelian. Otter.

Brown Bear
Birth dates: 22 August - 21 September.
Earth influence: The Harvesting Time.
Influencing wind: The South Winds. Totem: Mouse.
Direction: South-south-west.
Predominant elements: Earth with Water.
Elemental clan: Turtle (Earth) Clan. Function: to modify.
Birth and animal totem: Brown Bear.
Plant totem: Violets.
Mineral totem: Topaz.
Polarity totem: Wolf.
Affinity colours: Brown and violet.
Musical vibration: G natural.
Personality: Industrious. Unassuming. Practical. Fastidious.
Feelings: Warm. Analytical.
Intention: Practicality.
Nature: Considerate.
Positive traits: Modest. Discriminating. Meticulous.
Negative traits: Fault-finding. Finicky. Hypocritical. Fussy.
Sex-drive: Moralistic.
Compatibilities: Geese and Beavers.
Conscious aim: Sifting and striving.
Subconscious desire: Perfection.
Life-path: Discrimination.
I Ching trigram: Chen. Arousing Thunder. Desire for liberation.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Must cultivate: Optimism. Tolerance.
Must avoid: Scepticism. Fault-finding. Procrastination.
Starting totems: Brown Bear. Mouse. Turtle. Violet. Topaz. Wolf.

Birth dates: 22 September - 22 October.
Earth influence: The Falling Leaves Time.
Influencing wind: The West Winds. Totem: Grizzly bear.
Direction: South-west.
Predominant elements: Air with Earth.
Elemental clan: Butterfly (Air) Clan. Function: Initiating ideas
Birth and animal totem: Crow.
Plant totem: Ivy.
Mineral totem: Azurite.
Polarity totem: Falcon.
Affinity colour: Blue.
Musical vibration: A natural.
Personality: Charming. Friendly.Good-natured. Tolerant.
Feelings: Sensitive.
Intention: Justice.
Nature: Co-operative.
Positive traits: Idealistic. Romantic, Diplomatic.
Negative traits: Indecisive. Frivolous. Gullible. Resentful.
Sex-drive: Strong.
Compatibilities: Otter and Deer.
Conscious aim: Partnership.
Subconscious desire: Harmony and beauty.
Life-path: Harmonisation.
I Ching trigram:Chen. Thunder. Desire for achievement.
Spiritual alchemy: Yang predominates.
Must cultivate: Decisiveness. Constancy. Impartiality. Inspiration..
Must avoid: Indecision. Uncertainty. Inconsistency.
Starting totems: Crow. Grizzly bear. Butterfly. Ivy. Azurite. Falcon.

Birth dates: 23 October - 22 November.
Earth influence: The Frost Time.
Influencing wind: The West Winds. Totem:Grizzly bear.
Direction: West.
Predominant elements: Water with Earth.
Elemental clan: Frog (Water) Clan. Function:mental involvement
Birth and animal totem: Snake
Plant totem: Thistle.
Mineral totem: Amethyst.
Polarity totem: Beaver.
Affinity colour: Violet.
Musical vibration: B natural.
Personality: Intense. Impulsive. Ambifious. Determined. Mysterious.
Feelings: Hidden.
Intention: Introspection
Nature: Inquiring.
Positive traits: Purposeful. Discerning. Imaginative.
Negative traits: Resentful. Stubborn. Secretive. Suspicious.
Sex-drive: Intense.
Compatibilities: Woodpeckers and Wolves.
Conscious aim: Satisfaction.
Subconscious desire: Spiritual union.
Life-path: Sensitivity.
I Ching trigram: K'un. The Receptive Earth. Natural response.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Must cultivate: Determination. Adaptability. Creativity.
Must avoid: Egotism. Arrogance. Envy. Despondency.
Starting totems: Snake. Grizzly bear. Frog. Thistle. Amethyst. Beaver.

Birth dates: 23 November - 21 December
Earth influence: The Long Nights Time.
Influencing wind: The West Winds. Totem: Grizzly bear.
Direction: North-west.
Predominant elements: Fire with Earth.
Elemental clan: Hawk (Fire) Clan. Function: changing things.
Birth and animal totem: Owl.
Plant totem: Mistletoe.
Mineral totem: Obsidian.
Polarity totem: Deer.
Affinity colour: Gold.
Musical vibration: C sharp.
Personality: Jovial. Warm-hearted. Adventurous. Independent.
Feelings: Warm.
Intention: Objectivity.
Nature: Sincere.
Positive traits: Versatile. Adaptable. Saupulous.
Negative traits: Restless. Tactless. Boisterous.
Sex-drive: Adventurous.
Compatibilities: Falcons and Salmon.
Conscious aim: Understanding.
Subconscious desire: Determination.
Life-path: Elevation.
I Ching trigram: Ken. The Still Mountain. The need for singleness of purpose.
Must cultivate: Concentration. Optimism. Enthusiasm.
Must avoid: Over-indulgence. Exaggeration. Greed.
Spiritual alchemy: Yang and yin balanced.
Starting totems: Owl. Grizzly bear. Hawk. Mistletoe. Obsidian. Deer.

Birth dates: 22 December - 19 January
Earth influence: The Renewal Time.
Influencing wind: The North Winds. Totem: Buffalo.
Direction: North-north-west.
Predominant elements: Earth with Air,
Elemental clan: Turtle (Earth) Clan. Function:Preparing the ground.
Birth and animal totem: Goose.
Plant totem: Bramble.
Mineral totem: Peridot.
Polarity totem: Woodpecker.
Affinity colour: White.
Musical vibration: D sharp - an octave above Beavers.
Personality: Self-demanding. Reliable. Prudent. Austere.
Feelings: Self-centred.
Intention: Trust.
Nature: Severe.
Positive traits: Ambitious. Determined. Persevering.
Negative traits: Rigid. Pessimistic. Demanding. Selfish.
Sex-drive: Sensual and longlasting.
Compatibilities: Beavers, Brown Bears and Crows.
Conscious aim: Conservation.
Subconscious desire: Integrity.
Life-path: Adaptatation
I Ching trigram: Ken. The Still Mountain. Courage and determination.
Must cultivate: Sociability. Effective self-expression.
Must avoid: Self-doubt. Pessimism.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Starting totems: Goose. Buffalo. Turtle. Bramble. Peridot. Woodpecker.

Birth dates: 20 January - 18 February
Earth influence: The Cleansing Time.
Influencing wind: The North Winds. Totem:Buffalo.
Direction: North.
Predominant element: Air.
Elemental clan: Butterfly (Air) Clan. Function:to carry through.
Birth and animal totem: Otter.
Plant totem: Fern.
Mineral totem: Turquoise.
Polarity totem: Salmon.
Affinity colour: Silver.
Musical vibration: E natural - an octave above Deer.
Personality: Friendly. Unconventional. Independent. Dynamic.
Feelings: Detached.
Intention: Imagination.
Nature: Humanitarian.
Positive traits: Inventive. Reforming. Perceptive.
Negative traits: Unpredictable. Rebellious. Tactless. Eccentric.
Sex-drive: Hot and cold.
Compatibilities: Crows, Falcons and Deer.
Conscious aim: Knowledge.
Subconscious desire: Wisdom.
Life-path: Creative strength.
I Ching trigram: Sun. The Gentle Wind. Flexible vision.
Must cultivate: Inventiveness. Tolerance. Courage.
Must avoid: Rebelliousness. Eccentricity.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Starting totems: Otter. Buffalo. Butterfly. Fern. Turquoise. Salmon,

Birth dates: 19 February - 20 March.
Earth influence: The Blustery Winds Time.
Influencing wind: The North Winds. Totem: Buffalo.
Direction: North-north-east.
Predominant elements: Water with Air.
Elemental clan: Frog (Water) Clan.
Birth and animal totem: Wolf.
Plant totem: Plaintain.
Mineral totem: Jade.
Polarity totem: Brown bear.
Affinity colour: Blue/green.
Musical vibration: F sharp - an octave above Salmon.
Personality: Compassionate. Benevolent. Generous. Artistic. Gentle.
Feelings: Deep.
Intention: Understanding.
Nature: Trusting.
Positive traits: Sympathetic. Adaptable. Impressionable. Sensitive.
Negative traits: Impractical. Vague. Timid. Indecisive.
Sex-drive: Tender.
Compatibilities: Woodpeckers, Brown Bears and Snakes.
Conscious aim: Freedom.
Subconscious desire: Identity.
Life-path: Love.
IChing trigram:Chi'en. The Creative Heaven. Changing of desire into reality.
Must cultivate: Intuition. Creativity. Understanding.
Must avoid: Timidity, Indolence. Impracticality.
Spiritual alchemy: Yin predominates.
Starting totems: Wolf. Buffalo. Frog. Plantain. Jade. Brown Bear.

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