Birds and their Magickal Meanings

Blackbird = Omens and mysticism, color of fear and promise

Bluebird = Happiness and fulfillment, color of north or east

Canary = Healing power of sound, heightened sensitivity

Catbird = Communication potential, new lessons or opportunities

Chickadee = Sacred number is seven, seeker of truth and knowledge

Crow = Intelligence, watchfulness, magical, past-life connections

Duck = Maternal, graceful and comforting, protective

Eagle = Capable of reaching zenith, great perception, bridging worlds

Finch = New experiences and encounters, wide range summer soltice

Goose = Story telling, fertility and fidelity, symbol of eight and infinity

Grosbeak = Heals old wounds, family values, past loves significance

Hawks = Primal life force, fulfillment, spring and fall equinoxes

Kingfisher = Halcyon days, peace and prosperity, linked to north, blue

Loon = Realizing dreams, haunting and eery song, imagination

Magpie = Occult knowledge, doorway to new realms. wily and willful

Meadowlark = Cheerfulness, sublimation, inner journey, linked to moon

Nuthatch = Applying wisdom to natural world, groundedness, ethereal

Oriole = Positive energy, reconnecting with inner sunshine, nature spirits

Owl = Silent wisdom and nocturnal vision, healing powers, magical

Peacock = Wisdom and vision, ostentatious, protective and powerful

Pelican = Self-sacrificing, non-competitive, buoyant, rising above trials

Pigeon = Love and security of home, fertility, archetypal energies

Raven = Shapeshifting, messenger or omen, blending human and animal

Robin = New growth, territorial, color link to throat center

Starling = Sociable, communicating diversity, forceful

Stork = Related to humanity, connected to emotions, water, birth process

Swan = Sensitive, emotional, dreamer and mystic, longevity

Swift = Feminine and psychic energies, speed and agility

Turkey = Spiritual connection to Earth Mother, shared blessings

Vulture = Purification, never-ending vigilance, guardian of mysteries

Woodpecker = Weather prophet, drumbeats into other dimension

from Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews




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