Making a drum instead of buying can be very gratifying. The following is but one of many methods in drum making. This is a very simple techinque and can be made with the minimum expense and fuss.

1: one piece of 1/4 inch playwood, 6"x48"
2: one peice of 1/2 plywood, 2"x6"
3: one piece of tanned dear hide at least 24' in diameter
4: one roll of leather lace, at least 50 ft
5: one 3/4 by 3ft dole rod
6: 8 #6 wood screw 5/8" in length and 4 #6 wood screws 1' inch in length, both phillip head
7: paint of various colors

one drill, with a 1/4 drill bit
one phillip screw driver
paint brushes of various sizes
One bottle of wood glue
hole punch

Join the two ends of the 1/4 inch plywood by using the piece of 1/2. glue the 1/2 piece on the endside holding it wirh the 5/8 screws also from the inside, 4 perside, 3/4 of a inch apart. next take the dole rod and cut to fit, cross to form a T first 1 1/2 inch from the top, same with bottom, use glue and one inch wood screws to hold. next take drill and 1/4 " bit and drill holes 3/4 inch from bottom and one inch apart. Takes skin and cut to fit. Take hole punch 1/2 from outside edge of skin and one inch apart fasten holes. Lace with leather through holes in skin and in base tie on the bottom. make drumstick out of remaining doll rod fasten excess skin with leather lace.

Paint as desired. Note need to paint wood first, before joining. Paint the skin after it is laced, it allows you to center the design.

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