All Native North American Peoples attach special significance to the eagle, and its feathers. The eagle flies higher and sees well than any other bird. Its perspective is therefore different from those of us held close to the earth. So, also, does our Creator have a different perspective of what occurs below in this world of physical things in which human kind resides. The eagle also spends more time in the element of father sky than the other birds and father sky is the element of the spirit.

The eagle is a symbol of truth, power and freedom, as it roams the sky. Its wings represent the balance needed between male and female, each one dependant upon these strengths and abilities of the other.

The eagle was given the honor of carrying the prayers of man between the world of earth and the world of spirit where our creator and the grandfathers reside.

Therefore, when one holds the eagle feather, one must speak the truth in as positive a way as one can, for the ear of our creator is that much closer to the feather of the eagle.

Therefore, we honor the feather of the eagle, with great care, showing it respect , and honesty and truth, at all times.

To be given an eagle feather is the highest honor that can be awarded within aboriginal culture.


A woman who is on her moon-time (menstrual time) must not touch the feather.

It should be hung up within one’s home, not placed in drawer’s cupboards , etc. under Canadian law, a permit is required from the conservation authorities for one to possess one legally. It must be used for traditional or teaching purposes.


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