Moon Medicine

In nature, the wheel of the year turns as it is affected by the sun, which governs the seasons and the days and by the moon by which man is able to mark the months and the weeks. In others words the sun and moon are vital components in the technology of time, which is the dimension we’re in now.
The Sun and Moon were regarded among ancient peoples as representative of the duality of the masculine and feminine principles inherent in nature, and of the active and passive, conceptual and receptive forces that permeate it.
The moon in its feminine aspect was often represented as presenting the four faces of a woman. The waxing moon was represented as the face of a young maiden, the full moon that of a mother, the waning moon that of a wise grandmother and the dark unseen moon that of the hag. Each indicated the way energies were being reflected in the world form on earth. The dark face of the moon was seen as the potential that was hidden and waiting to come into expression, the waxing moon as the fully developing and coming into and maturity. The full moon as the fully developed and mature, the waning moon as the giving out and sharing of that which had been nurtured and developed and back again to the dark moon and a period of resting and renewal and absorption before the cycle begins again.

For instance, the waxing moon was seen as a beautiful maiden absorbed in her own attractiveness and drawing things towards her and so was indicative of the developing personality.

The full moon was seen as the young mother devoted to her offspring and product of her involvement and therefore symbolic of the developed and maturing personality.

The waning moon was represented as the grandmother and concerned with the well being of an entire family community and recognizing the responsibility of giving and sharing what has been learned from the experience of development. It symbolized the extrovert personality.

The dark face of the moon, represented, as hag is the least understood and often ignored or even excluded from some western esoteric teachings. It was both at the end and the beginning of a cycle and indicated a turning inward; absorption of what had gone before and a nurturing of the potential of what was yet to become. It indicated the introverted personality.

Shared by TwoFeathers


The Following are Moon Names

Farmers Almanac Moons
MARCH Worm Moon
APRIL Pink Moon
MAY Flower Moon
JUNE Strawberry Moon
JULY Buck Moon
AUGUST Sturgeon Moon
SEPTEMBER Harvest Moon
OCTOBER Hunter's Moon
NOVEMBER Beaver Moon

American Indian Moon Names


JANUARY-Joyful Moon
FEBRUARY -Purification Moon
MARCH -Whispering Wind Moon
APRIL -Windbreaks Moon
MAY -Waiting Moon
JUNE - Major Planting Moon
JULY - Fledgling Raptor Moon
AUGUST -Joyful Moon
SEPTEMBER -Full Harvest Moon
OCTOBER - Long Hair Moon
NOVEMBER - Fledgling Raptor Moon
DECEMBER -Respect Moon


EARLY FEBRUARY - Little Bud Moon
LATE APRIL -It will be hot soon Moon
LATE MAY-Geese go north Moon
JUNE - Summer Moon
LATE JULY - Little Moon of Deer horns dropping off Moon
AUGUST - Yellow leaf moon
SEPTEMBER - Moon when leaves fall
EARLY OCTOBER - Ten Cold Moons
LATE OCTOBER - Wait till I come
LATE NOVEMBER - Geese Going Moon
LATE DECEMBER - Real Goose Moon


JANUARY - When the snow blows like spirits in the wind
FEBRUARY - Frost sparkling in the sun moon
MARCH - Buffalo dropping their calves moon
APRIL - Ice breaking in the river moon
MAY - When the ponies shed their shaggy hair moon
JUNE - When hot weather begins
JULY - When the buffalo below moon
LATE JULY - When chokeberries begin to ripen
AUGUST - Geese shedding their feathers
SEPTEMBER - Drying grass
OCTOBER - Falling Leaves
NOVEMBER - When rivers start to freeze
DECEMBER - Popping trees

Celtic Moons

Samonios-summery-end or "seed-time"
Dummanios-the dark month
Riuros -frost time days
Anagantios-indoors days
Ogronios-cold days
Cutios -windy time days
Giamonios-wintery-end days
Simiuisonnos-semi-springtime days
Equos -equity or horse days
Elembiuios-many fences days
Edrinios-hot period days
Cantlos-song days


JANUARY - Cold Moon
MARCH-Strawberry or Windy Moon
APRIL-Flower Moon
MAY-Planting Moon
JUNE - Green Corn Moon
JULY - Ripe Corn Moon
AUGUST - End of the fruit; drying up Moon
SEPT - Nut or Black Butterfly Moon
OCTOBER - Harvest Moon
NOVEMBER - Trading Moon
DECEMBER - Snow Moon


JANUARY -Center Moon
FEBRUARY -Long Dry Mon
MARCH -Sore Eye Moon
APRIL -Frog Moon
MAY -Idle Moon
JUNE -Full leaf Moon
JULY -Red Berries Moon
AUGUST -Black Cherries Moon
SEPTEMBER -Yellow Leaf Moon
OCTOBER -Joins Both Sides Moon
NOVEMBER -Frost Moon
DEC -Center Moon's Younger Brother


JANUARY - Time of Flying Ants
APRIL - Moon of Big Leaves
MAY - Season when the leaves are Green
JULY - Moon of the Horse-Time of Ripeness
OCTOBER - Time when Core is taken in


JANUARY - Great Spirit Moon
FEBRUARY - Sucker Moon
MARCH - Snow falling Crust Moon
APRIL - Broken Snowshoe Moon
MAY - Blossom Moon
JUNE - Strawberry Moon
JULY -Raspberry Moon
AUGUST -Berry Moon
OCTOBER - Falling Leaves Moon
NOVEMBER - Freezing Moon
DECEMBER - Small Spirits Moon

For those of you interested, a more pagan view of the moon..

Here are symbolic charts noting nature's cycles and their magical



Waxing Moon- This is the time of beginnings, health and healing,
fertility, psychic awareness, beauty.

Waxing Information:
The time from the New Moon through the first quarter to the Full Moon is the proper time to perform healing rituals, positive magick, and spells that increase love, good luck, growth of any kind, sexual desire, and wealth.

Full Moon -Protection, Love, Healing Purification, Money, Travel and
psychic awareness.

Full Moon Information:
The period of the Full Moon increases the powers of extrasensory
perception, and is the proper time to perform lunar goddess invocations, fertility rites, transformations, spirit conjurations, and spells that increase psychic abilities and prophetic dreams.

Waning Moon- Banishments of habits, addictions, disease and negatives. Jealousy, guilt and hurts are released.


Snowstorms- Purification, and calming emotions.

Heavy Winds -Assist in study and travel spells. Great for breaking

Scorching Hot Days -Charge Rites of protection, courage, and energy


Sunday- Sun (planet), health, success, career, goals, ambition, personal finances, advancement,drama, fun, authority figures, law, fairs, crops, totem animals, volunteerand civic services, promotion, the God, men's mysteries, children, buyingselling, speculating

Monday- Moon- psychic pursuits, psychology, dreams/astral travel,
imagination, women's mysteries, reincarnation, short trips, women,
children, the public, domestic concerns, emotions, fluids, magick, spirituality, nursing, all things pertaining to water and bodies of water, antiques, trip planning, household activities, initiation, astrology, new-age pursuits, archetypes, totem animals, shapeshifting, religious experience

Tuesday -Mars- passion, sex, aggression, energy, strife, action, courage, swift movement, physical energy, sports, muscular energy, partnerships, guns, tools, metal, cutting, surgery, police, soldiers, combat, confrontation, business, buying and selling animals, mechanical things, repair, gardening, woodworking, hunting, beginnings

Wednesday -Mercury- wisdom, healing, communication, intelligence, memory, education, correspondence, phone calls, computers, messages, students,merchants, editing, writing, advertising, signing contracts, sibling, neighbors, kin, accounting, clerks, critics, music, editors, journalists, visual arts, hiring employees, learning languages, placing ads, visiting friends, legal appointments, astrology

Thursday -Jupiter -business, logic, gambling, social matters, political
power, material wealth, publishing, college education, long-distance
travel, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting,
publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sports, horses, the law, doctors,
guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses,
self-improvement, researching, reading, studying

Friday- Venus- romantic love, friendships, beauty, soulmates, courtship,
dating, artistic abilities, harmony, affection, relationships, partners,
alliances, grace, luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating,
cosmetics, gifts, income, growth, gardening, architects, artists, beauticians, chiropractors, dancers, designers, engineers, entertainers, fashion, music, painting, poetry, household improvements, planning parties, shopping

Saturday -Saturn- binding, protection, neutralization, karma, death,
manifestation, structure,reality, the laws of society, limits, obstacles,
tests, hard work, endurance, real estates, dentists, bones, teeth, farm
workers,separation, stalkers, murderers, criminals in general, civil
servants, justice, maths, plumbing, wills, debts, financing, joint money
matters, discovery, transformation, relations with older people.






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