This article is by a wonderful person called Ravenna, who is
moderator of Herb Power - she has written several books on Herb Lore
and Herbalism. Ravenna also co-moderated Earth-Power, another great egroup.


The creating of a tradition can strengthen, give form and continuity
to your beliefs and depth to your spirituality. It also adds a very
personal, powerful and cohesive element. For those of you who feel
that you are becoming 'Jack of all paths, master of none' it might be
the spur to put you on your own creative, individual path.

1) Create a name for your own tradition.

2) Buy the most beautiful book that you can afford or cover an
inexpensive exercise book with pretty material (if you are artistic
you can paint and draw on the outside of the book and also decorate
the pages.

3) What are your beliefs?

4) How will you express your spirituality each day? Will you welcome
the sunrise and sunset? Will you spend part of each day doing
something for the planet? What?

5) Will you observe the cycles of the Goddess Moon?

6) Will you celebrate the changing of the seasons?

7) Will formal rituals written by others form part of your new
tradition or are you more comfortable and sincere with simple rituals
that you have created yourself?

8) What do you get the most pleasure from using in your rituals--
candles, incense, crystals, etc.--not because books tell you what to
use but the things that remind you most of the power of the God/dess.

9) Will you have an altar--does it feel 'right' or is it what you
feel you 'should' have?

This list could go on and on, it could include meditation, astral
travel, auras, qabalah--anything that will widen and deepen your
beliefs. Choose those that feel strong and real to you.

When you are ready you can hold your own Dedication ceremony to offer
this new path to the Divine.

Your book may take a lifetime to create but it will be YOUR book,
YOUR path, not just a collection of random ideas, spells and lists
drawn from others.

This is the way to create personal power as a Witch. Learn from
others, read, listen and absorb but be selective and wherever
possible do something that will make what you have learnt your own.

Some of the greatest traditions in the world were created by one
person -- one person with vision.




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