** Learn Tree Meanings **

Druids have always been associated with trees. The word druid comes from an ancient Celtic word meaning oak. In essence, Druids are "oak people" and have always felt a particular closeness to the oak tree. However, all trees are sacred to Druids. Each one has its own spirit, personality, and meaning. Trees of similar species share characteristics, though no two trees are exactly alike.

Trees are an important part of every druid's life. Since one of the tasks of druids is to keep their people in balance with Nature, it is necessary to know all the trees in an area and be able to say which ones can be cut down and what to replant in place of the felled tree. Druids know which trees are best for housing, fires, tools, etc. On a magical level, trees are a source of great information (both past and present knowledge). Druids use trees to mark sacred areas, abandoned areas, and dangerous areas so that others will know what the nearby area holds. Druids often gather in groves, which are large circles of trees (usually oak trees). Groves vary in size and are frequently situated atop ley lines or a nexus of power flows. Druids use groves as meeting places. They often teach, share philosophies and wisdom, or discuss important issues in the groves.

  • Oak
    Oak symbolizes wisdom, strength, and endurance. Oak is extremely versatile and can be used in many areas of magic. The wood is good at both storing power and conducting it, thus making good staffs and wands. Oak can be used in spells involving authority, majesty, power, strength, wisdom, or endurance.
  • Ash
    Ash is an excellent wood for purification. It is good at removing and cleansing internalized strife and conflict. Ash is good in any spell or working involving mental and emotional purification. Ash wood is a good conductor of power and thus makes good wands.
  • Hawthorn (Thorn)
    Thorn symbolizes strife and harshness. It is an excellent tool for protection as its energies work well for defense. Thorn is used to dispell energies, especially negative energies or curses, and excells at banishing strife.
  • Yew
    The yew tree is held sacred by the Druids because of its symbolism of death and rebirth. The yew tree's branches grow into the ground. Thus when the central trunk dies, the tree lives on as the branches become trees. It symbolizes transformation, great age, and reincarnation. Yew wood is good in any rituals that use the preceding symbolism. Yew holds and conducts energy very well, and yew is a good shield for magical energies that directly hit the wood is reflected.
  • Alder
    The alder is a water-loving tree, but it is also highly combustible, showing an affinity to Fire. This means the alder is an unusual tree, for Fire and Water do not normally mix well. Alder is often used to symbolize one's appearance, and can be used in glamour spells. The alder tree's wood is oily and resistant to underwater decay. It can be used to contain Water elementals and many negative spirits.
  • Apple
    The apple tree symbolizes youth, beauty, and innocence. Apple juice can be used to infer strength and beauty. The leaves are a useful focus in spellweaving. The apple wood makes good staves.
  • Beech
    Beech symbolizes stability and flow of energy. It is an incredible conductor of energy, but doesn't hold energy very well. It is sometimes used for Druidic groves if oak is not available, though oak is preferred.
  • Birch
    Birch wood is a useful tool in spells involving structures, support, shielding, warding, and cleansing.
  • Cedar
    Cedar is exceptional at repulsing energies and protection. It is best used to ward or to drive off negative influences or spirits.
  • Cypress
    The cypress tree was seen as a sad tree or tree of mourning. It was often used to build funeral pyres. Cypress wood is extremely resistant to water. Cypress containers can successfully contain water elementals, air elementals, and most spirits.
  • Dogwood
    This tree represents charm and finesse. It can be used to enhance one's social abillities and increase one's personality. The dogwood flower is a good cleanser of wounds, and its scent is a relaxant.
  • Elm
    The elm tree is a dark and brooding tree. It was often planted in tainted or uncleansable areas to warn off others in the area. Elm can be used in any spells that cause depression or darkness. It can dull the senses and works well in spells dealing with shadows.
  • Eucalyptus
    The eucalyptus is a nurturing, protecting, life-giving tree. It can sometimes symbolize sloth due to the fact that its foliage is a narcotic. It contains quite a bit of moisture, and thus could easily have a connection to Water. Small doses of eucalyptus are highly effective. It can be used to numb or invoke sloth in others. It can protect the body from certain poisons. When mixed with certain other herbs, eucalyptus can make a high body-sustaining potion.
  • Fir
    Fir symbolizes malleability, cleverness, and the ability to change. It is a good wood for magic involving physical structures, forms, and shapeshifting or other changing magics.
  • Hazelnut
    This tree symbolizes attraction (the nut can be used to make an aphrodisiac), loss of inhibition or willpower, and drowsiness. It is used to make sleep potions, aphrodisiacs, and potions to inhibit the will or remove inhibitions.
  • Holly
    Holly symbolizes combat, defense, and a "look but don't touch" beauty. It is also used as a life symbol. Holly is good at holding and storing energy, but does not work well with energy flow. It is also useful in glamours and warding.
  • Juniper
    The juniper is a cheerful tree, hardy and endurant. It is excellent for cleansing, and aids in healing magic, especially to stop a disease from progressing further in the body.
  • Maple
    Maple is a happy tree. It often symbolizes attraction, luring, drawing in, or bringing things together. It has very positive energy, and is used to attract attention or lure positive spirits in magic.
  • Pine
    Pine is everlasting (from its evergreen properties). It induces clearness of thought with its scent and often symbolizes survival as it can grow even in sub-zero temperatures. Pine wood is useful in spells of preservation. Pine incense is helpful in divining/scrying rituals and rituals to clear the mind.
  • Sequoia
    The sequoia is a majestic tree symbolizing eternity, longevity, and vast wisdom. It can also symbolize endurance and strength. Sequoia wood makes excellent Druidic staffs, as it is very good at both holding and conducting energy. It can be used in spells of fire resistance, and the sequoia seeds are an aphrodisiac.
  • Spruce
    The spruce is a versatile tree which grows quickly and is dominant over its environment. It is an aloof tree and can symbolize the North and coldness. The wood is good for bargaining with Earth elementals as they especially like spruce wood. Spruce holds and stores a large amount of energy. A living spruce tree is an excellent ground.
  • Sycamore
    The sycamore symbolizes growth, persistance, strength and endurance. It is water resistant (though not as much as cypress) and often grows where other trees cannot. To some Native American cultures, the sycamore is a holy tree equivalent to the oak in Europe. In magic, it is useful for spells involving growth, and can be used in healing potions (especially those with regenerative properties). It is also a good gift to give a Fire elemental.
  • Willow
    The willow tree is a feminine tree. It is a water-loving tree and is linked to lunar rhythms. It is often a melancholy tree and can represent sadness and quick growth leading to a quick end (some trees only live for 20 years). In magical areas, willow has a great influence over water and water elementals. It has the ability to banish depression and sadness




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