10/10/2000  I play "Willie Green" in a short called "The Interview"

I got the opportunity to audition for a short about a month or so ago and got the part.  Not to give away the plot of the short, I play the "chaos factor" that flips the whole script around.  Driver Seat Productions, the film company putting this short together, is made up of a great group of guys who really make the talent produce to the fullest!  I have had a great time so far because these guys are not trying to be "Hollywood" with this production, meaning dumping on the talent and what not.  They will have a site together, I'll link to it when they get it going.


9/04/2000  Catching up on the last 4 months, web updates:

Things went good at the audition with "Actor's".  They were very nice and wanted to sign me, but I am not ready to commit just yet.  Going back to school next month, when I do sign it will be when I quit my job =)

Had another fashion show on 08/26/00, good to get in front of people again.  It was fun, but the coordinator gave me the wrong hotel name and I got there 30 mins late!  I wasn't that mad, I wasn't the only one who got the wrong directions.  

Finished up with Mayo Hill in July, the final class was a photo shoot.  You can see some of the pix in my biography page.


9/02/2000 Extra work on "The Sleep Eater"

40 Minutes late, I arrived at U of H Clearlake to be an "atmosphere person" for the film called "The Sleep Eaters".  I was so tired and hungry that I didn't bother to stay for the ambient sound recording for the audience scene they shot.  Just another project to add to the resume.


05/04/2000 Working on the script, meeting w/Actor's etc this week:   

Currently things are slow, I have been making my way through my script, "Agent".  When I get it completed and have copywriting, I'll post it for all to see. 

I also have a meeting/interview on Friday, 05/05/00, with Actor's Etc, a Houston based talent agency I have been hearing a lot about.  I had to get a monologue together though, I plan to do a scene from "The Matrix".  I know, everything in the world is now all "matrixy", but you'd have to admit it was an awesome movie.  I am excited to have the chance to show these guys what I am made of!


04/29/2000 Fashion show w/40Plus Models

Had my first fashion show today modeling with a charity organization called 40Plus Models.  I know little of the ins and outs, but I do know that it was an event to offer college scholarships to High School seniors.

The fashion show was down at the Hyatt Regency downtown, we got there early to rehearsal about 10am, and the show was not until 4pm!  So after a small rehearsal we hung out for a couple of hours then the show started about 5pm, a tad bit late.  It was hectic, but eventually it was over as quick as it started.  Overall, I had a blast!

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws