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Nickname: Hikki

Birth Day : 19 January 1983

Place of Birth: New York, U.S.

Blood Type: A

Height: 158cm

Hobbies: Painting, Eating, E-mailing
Favourite Singers:
Babyface, Black Street, Stevie Wonder, Earth, Wind and Fire, Chaka Khan, Minnie Riperton, Freddie Mercury (QUEEN), Joe, Mary J. Blige, Aaliyah, Yutaka Ozaki

Favourite Singers: Babyface, Black Street, Stevie Wonder, Earth, Wind and Fire, Chaka Khan, Minnie Riperton, Freddie Mercury (QUEEN), Joe, Mary J. Blige, Aaliyah, Yutaka Ozaki
Favourite Writers: Ryunosuke Akutagawa -- "Rashomon"; "Kappa"; Ogai Mori -- "Takasebune"; Soseki Natsume -- "Kokoro"; Ronald Dahl -- "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "The Twits", and "Tales of the Unexpected"; Shel Silverstein -- "Where the Sidewalk Ends"

  Places She Like to Visit: Italy, Mexico

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