monday: aug.23.04:
>>> ayo, this is ydOubleOnie... wutz good? well, i got jay to finish his bio section... he took some pics... we took some pics together... there in the picture section. jay updated his contact.... so we're pretty much are complete with our page... we'll update it every now and then, but this is it... enjoy!

--> JAY PARK updated his BIO section
--> hot ladies and all the place to be.... jayz contact is available, so you can now IM him and spit some game. and if you want... you can contact me.... only if you want. dont feel obligated.

remember... individuality is key... therez only one you. keep it that way, dont be afraid to show your true colors. well until next time, you hiphop loverz. this was ydOubleOnie... unusual suspects, signing off.

friday: aug.20.04:
>>> ayo, this is ydOubleOnie... and welcome! today is the grand opening of "the unUsual suSpects" offical website. i felt like we needed a webpage, so i made one... everything on this site is original, i made it on my own... it was alot of work. but i got it done!

--> there is no pictures yet
--> JAY PARK's bio section is still under developement.

but i'll try to update this site as soon as i can. well thanx for coming.

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