Soun Tendo in his usual emotional state Soun Tendo
Personality: honorable, but cowardly and overemotional
Psychology: Crybaby

Widowed father of Kusumi, Nabiki and Akane, owner of the Anything-Goes-Martial-Arts dojo. He, like Genma Soutome, was a student of Happosai whom he hates and fears.

As a dojo owner, he is a respected member of the local community and also a member of the local neighborhood organization and is often consulted regarding community affairs. He is usually seen wearing a traditional kimono around the Tendo household, but dresses in a suit and old fashioned Boggie hat when he is out on business.

Soun is very emotional and bursts into tears on the slightest cause. He is desperate to have Akane marry Ranma and become enraged if Ranma is shown attention by any other girl. He is secretly the desire of Hinako who wishes to marry him. He, however, never has stopped loving his beloved wife and does not seek to remarry. Although he constantly states that it is the duty of all martial artists to fight monsters, it is usually Ranma, Akane and Ryoga who end up doing the fighting while Soun and Genma stay comfortably at home.

Ranma!! A typical morning in the Tendo household Soun discovers Ranma has the attention of a female other than Akane

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