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The hanbok is the traditional Korean costume.
Nowadays people wear it mainly on holidays and family commemoration days.
Traditional men's clothes consist of the chogori, magoja and a loose-bodied coat,
and the pajis are wide pants that fit loosely on the body,
narrowing at the bottom where they are tied with ribbons around the ankle.
During cold weather, Korean men wear a long coat ocer their clothing.
It is basically the same pattem as the chogori, except it falls velow the knees.
Traditional women's clothes consist of the chogori (jacket), chima (skirt). and turumagi (overcoat).
The chogori is shorter with elegant curves shaping the bottom line of the wide sleeves.
The front part of the chogori is tied with long bands simiar to those on the men's chogore.
The hanbok has no buttons or hooks, two dangling chogori cloth strings tie it together.

Splendid dress

Our Traditional Clothing

Our Traditional Clothing

Our Traditional Clothing

Our Traditional Stuff

Korean Traditional Thing

    The ancient herb of the Orient and modem "discovery" of the Westem world, ginseng is one of Korea's most famed commodities. Korean soil and climate are ideal for the production of high quality ginseng. so it has been cultivated in Korea for nearly ten centuries. Known as "man foot", because of its almost human-like shpae, it is considered a gerbal "cure-all" with excellent rejuvenative powers. It is carefully farmed in special area of Korea, taking about six years to reach maturity.

    Korean ceramics, especilly the glazed celadon of the Koryo Dynasty is the most famous single class of art objects the nation has produced. The artistic beauty, as well as the high craftsmanship, of ancient Koryo celadon can be imitated but not duplicated today. The composition of the glaze and the firing techniques of the Koryo potters were lost during the Choson Kingdom.

    "Arirang" was orginally a refrain from a well-known Korean folk song, but now it virtually symbolizes Korea. Foreigners traveling in Korea can find this name in various places, even the Korean dress is often called the "arirang dress". The most famous Arirang is a sad song about a woman grieving about her departing lover. There are different versions of the song in various parts of Korea.

    Unlike formal and dignified court music, nong-ak, or farmer's music, is played and enjoyed by common people on various festive occasions. A typical nong-ak band is composed of a piri (woodwind pipe), a kwaeng-kwari (reverberating gong), several chings (cymbals), and an assortment of drums including the indispensable changgo.


  1. ¹Ú½Å¾ç
  2. ½ÉÀºÇÏ
  3. ¹ÚÁßÈÆ
  1. À¯¸®-I din't see it until now
  2. ¾à¼Ó-He's so...
  3. ÆíÁö- So sweet.. I cried so much.

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