
Couple of days ago, somebody deleted my page!!!!
Stunning.. Thrilling....Wow!!
But there is no new stirring! Got it!!!
Who are you? You made a big mistake! Hou could you.....?
It was like escapeing from death.

I'm trying to update my page...I need more elaborate skill though...
kind of technical know-how you know..
The following story is written by adorable girl. Alex!!!
The composition of a content is loose...
but I guarrnatee you can see my gorgeous, fabulous page sooner or later.

Webster's New World Dictionary

°íÀÎ ¹°Àº ½â´Â´Ù. ±×·³ °¡¸¸È÷ °í¿©ÀÖÁö ¾Ê°Ô ÇÏ¸é µÈ´Ù.
»õ·Î¿î ¹°À» °è¼Ó Áý¾î³ÖÁö ¾Ê´õ¶óµµ ÀÖ´Â ¹° °¡Áö°í ¿­½ÉÈ÷ ¼øȯ½ÃÅ°¸é
¹°¸ÀÀÌ ÁÁ¾ÆÁöÁø ¾ÊÀ»Áö¾ðÁ¤ ½âÁö´Â ¾Ê´Â´Ù.
´©±¸³ª ´Ù ¾Æ´Â ¾ê±âÁö¸¸ ¿µ¾î°øºÎ¸¦ À§ÇÑ °¢¿À¸¦ ´ÙÁö±â À§ÇØ
ÇѹøÂë µÇ»õ°Üº¸´Â °Íµµ ±¦ÂúÀ» °Í °°´Ù

1. (Ä£±¸¿¡°Ô »ç±â¸¦ ´çÇÑ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô)
: "±× Ä£±¸,  ¹Ï´Â µµ³¢¿¡ ¹ßµî ÂïÈù »ùÀÌÁö ¹¹"
   His trustful axe axed his foot. (axe ´Â µµ³¢)

2.  (¾î¶² Áú¹®¿¡ ´ëÇØ)
: "³»°¡ Çѹø °õ°õÀÌ »ý°¢ÇØ º¼°Ô"
   I will think deeply and again .

3. (ÇÔ²² ¾î¶² ÀÏ À» Çߴµ¥ ±× °á°ú°¡ ÁÁÁö ¸øÇÒ °æ¿ì ÇÑ ¸íÀÌ Ã¥ÀÓÀ» Á®¾ß ÇÑ´Ù°í °¡Á¤Çغ¸¼¼¿ä.)
: "À̹ø¿£ ´©°¡ ½ÊÀÚ°¡ Áú·¡?"
   Who will carry the cross?

4. (°í¹Î µîÀ¸·Î)  
: "¹ã¿¡ ÇѼûµµ ¸ø Àä´Ù."
   I couldn't sleep even a little bit at night.

5. (°í¼ö ¾Õ¿¡¼­ °¨È÷ ±îºÒ ¶§)
: "¾ß, ³Ê ºÒµµÀú ¾Õ¿¡¼­ »ðÁúÇϳÄ?"
   Hey you, are you shoveling in front of a bull dozer?

1. "¹Ï´Â µµ³¢¿¡ ¹ßµî ÂïÈ÷´Ù"¶ó´Â ¸»Àº ¿ì¸® ¾ð¾î¿¡ Àͼ÷ÇÑ Ç¥ÇöÀÌ°í ÀÌ·± °æ¿ì ¿ø¾î¹ÎµéÀº "¹Ï´Â »ç¶÷ÀÌ µÚ¿¡¼­ Ä®·Î Âñ·¶¾î."¶ó°í ÇÏ´Â µ¥ Àͼ÷ÇÏ°í ÀÌ·² ¶§ ¿µ¾î·Î´Â ¾Æ·¡¿Í °°ÀÌ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
: He's been stabbed in the back.

2. '°õ°õÀÌ »ý°¢ÇÏ´Ù'¸¦ ¿ø¾î¹ÎµéÀº "³»°¡ ÀáÀÚ¸®¿¡¼­µµ »ý°¢ÇØ º¸´Ù"¶ó°í ÇÏ°í ¿µ¾î·Î´Â ¾Æ·¡¿Í °°ÀÌ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
: Well, let me sleep on it.

3. À§ÀÇ Ç¥ÇöÀ» Çصµ Áö½ÄÃþ ¿ø¾î¹ÎµéÀº ¾Ë¾Æ µè½À´Ï´Ù. ÇÏÁö¸¸ Á¶±Ý ´õ ±×µé¿¡°Ô Àͼ÷ÇÑ Ç¥ÇöÀº ´ÙÀ½°ú °°½À´Ï´Ù.
: Who will take the bullet this time? (´©°¡ ÃѾ˹ÞÀÌ µÉ·¡?)

4. ¡®ÇÑ ¼ûµµ ¸øÀÚ´Ù¡¯´Â ´ÙÀ½°ú °°ÀÌ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
: I couldn't sleep a wink.¶ó°í ÇÏÁö¿ä. (´« Çѹø ¸ø ºÙ¿´´Ù)

5. ÀÌ Ç¥ÇöÀ» ¿ø¾î¹ÎµéÀº "¹°°í±âµéÇÑÅ× ¼ö¿µ °­½À ÇÒ·¡?" ¶ó°í Ç¥ÇöÇÏÁö¿ä. ¿µ¾î·Î´Â ´ÙÀ½°ú °°½À´Ï´Ù.
: Do you want to teach a fish how to swim?   

1. I'm not eating that. It looks gross.

2. I'm going to hang out with Tina today.

3. Bill, what's eating you today?  

4. She gets on my nerves.

5. I am throwing a big bash for Jane. 

1.  gross ¶ó´Â ´Ü¾î¸¦ ¼³¸íÇϱâ À§ÇØ ¿¹¸¦ µé¾îº¸¸é,  À½½ÄÀÌ ¿Õ⠱װ͵µ Á¢½Ã¿¡ ÆÜ ³õ¿©ÀÖ´Ù°í »ý°¢Çغ¸¼¼¿ä. (Â¥Àå¸éÀÌ ½Ä¾î ÅüÅü ºÒÀº°É »ý°¢ÇØ º¸¼¼¿ä) À½½Ä ¸ÀÀÌ ³ª°Ú¾î¿ä? °í±Þ À½½ÄÀ» º¸½Ã¸é '¾çµµ ÀÛ°í ¿¹»Ú°Ô Àå½Ä'ÀÌ µÇ¾îÀÖÀݾƿä? ÀÌ·² ¶§, It looks gross.¶ó°í ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.  
   -> I'm not eating that ! It looks disgusting! (Á¤»ó Ç¥Çö)
     : ³ª ¾È ¸ÔÀ»·¡, ¿ª°Ü¿ö º¸Àδ٠¸»¾ß

2. hang À̶ó´Â ´Ü¾î´Â '~¿¡ ¸Å´Þ·Á ÀÖ´Ù'ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ±×·¯´Ï hang out Àº ¸» ±×´ë·Î '¹Û¿¡¼­ ¸Å´Þ·Á ÀÖ´Ù'ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ±×·¯´Ï 'hang out with +»ç¶÷' À̶ó¸é '~»ç¶÷°ú ¾î¿ï¸®´Ù ¶Ç´Â ½Ã°£À» º¸³»´Ù'°¡ µÇ°ÚÁÒ?
   -> I'm going to spend time with Tina today. (ÀÏ¹Ý Ç¥Çö)
     : ¿À´Ã Tina ÇÏ°í ½Ã°£À» º¸³¾°Å¾ß.

3. ƯÈ÷ ÀÌ Ç¥ÇöÀº ¹Ì±¹ ÀþÀºÀ̵éÀÌ ¸¹ÀÌ ¾²´Â Ç¥ÇöÀÔ´Ï´Ù. '¸Ô´Ù'¶ó´Â ¶æÀÇ eat À» ½á¼­ "¹º°¡°¡ ¸¶À½À» °¦¾Æ ¸Ô°í ÀÖ´Ù." ¶ó´Â ÀǹÌÀÌÁÒ. Á¡ÀÝÀº ÀÚ¸®¿¡¼± ¾²Áö ¸¶¼¼¿ä.  
   ->Bill, what's upsetting you today?
     : ºô, ¹«½¼ ¹®Á¦ ÀÖ¾î? ¶Ç´Â "°ÆÁ¤ ÀÖ´Ï?

4. ÀÌ Ç¥ÇöÀ» ¾Æ½Ã·Á¸é get on °ú nerveÀÇ Àǹ̸¦ ¾Æ¼Å¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ¸ÕÀú get on Àº '±â¾î¿À¸£´Ù, Ÿ´Ù, °£¼·ÇÏ´Ù'ÀÇ Àǹ̸¦ °®°í ÀÖ°í nerve´Â '½Å°æ, °ú¹Î, ¿ë±â'¶ó´Â ¶æÀÌ°í ÀÌ ¹®Àå¿¡¼­´Â '°ú¹ÎÀû ½Å°æ'ÀÇ Àǹ̷Π¾²ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ±×·¯´Ï ´©±º°¡°¡ ¡®get on my nerve¡¯¶ó¸é "³» ½Å°æÀ» °Çµå¸°´Ù'¶ó´Â Àǹ̰¡ µÇÁö¿ä.
   ->She irritates me.
     : ±× ¿©ÀÚ°¡ ³» ½Å°æÀ» °Çµå¸®³×.

5. ¿©·¯ºÐ Ȥ½Ã ¼­ºÎ ¿µÈ­ÀÇ ¼úÁý Àå¸é »ý°¢ ³ª½Ã³ª¿ä? ¼úÀÌ ÃëÇØ ¸ð¸£´Â »ç¶÷³¢¸® ¼­·Î Ä¡°í ¶§¸®°í Çϴ°ŠÀÖÀݾƿä?  ÀÌ°Ô ¹Ù·Î bash ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ±×·¡¼­ ¿äÁòÀº bash°¡ (Èï°Ü¿î) party¶ó´Â Àǹ̸¦ ´ã°í ÀÖÁö¿ä.
  ->I'm throwing a big party for Jane.
    : Jane À» À§ÇØ ¼º´ëÇÑ ÆÄƼ¸¦ ¿­°Å¾ß.

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