Carlo Zapanta

Motto: "I may lose but at least I have the better painted army."
Current Projects: An Orc and Goblin Army, An Eldar Army
Cel No:
Carlo has been playing
40K for the last few years
and is totally obsessed
with painting and converting.
Thus his first army was
Chaos Space Marines.
His chaos force however is
more of a showcase army
rather than a tournament army.
The Chaos Lord ( shown left)
has a mountain of skulls from
his foes.

The Lord's retinue is made up of Terminators painted up to a high level of expertise.
Khorne Berserkers make up
most of the army and dictates
its tactics:
The Predator tank and the
dreadnought are there to give it
some fire support while the
Raptors are there to harass the

This army has been painted
twice, which goes to show
that looking good on the
battlefield is more important
than winning

Dreadnought rains down
heavy firepower
Chaos Rhino to transport the Berzerkers faster into the fray
These raptors are Carlo's
favorite units both playwise and
as painting subjects.

"They rock," is what he said.

Oh and by the way, we'd like to
make a report on your Eldar and
Orc army too Carlo, pleeeaase


Khorne Bikers

Daemon Prince

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