Last Updated : December 11, 2003  




December 11, 2003 - LAST NEWS

Last October 31, 2003 marked the closure of Hobby Cafe. After respectfully waiting for one year, the owner's parents have decided to close the store and move on. That being said I have to announce the end of updates for this website.

I was planning on moving this site and all contents over to the website but real life worries and events have prevented me from fully transferring everything that needed to be done. I would like to leave the website as it is for it be a memorial to the man I had called my boss for the past 3 years and one I considered to be a friend and an older brother..

To Jonnel Mendiola may you be rolling your dice and moving your miniature armies in heaven....


October 6, 2003

Hello and just a small but very important update for today. I am proud to feature an article in our local newspaper about one of our younger players that play 40k. Meet Ace and his Tau army in the articles page.


September 23, 2003

Welcome to this week's updates for Hobby Cafe. After much delay the Battle Report for the Mega Game at The Gamer's Shop is now up and can be seen here. Also several army shots were taken and can be seen at the Gallery page.

Also including in the website for fantasy... the in depth first part presentation of Building an Empire Army. Also shown here is the chronicles of Bruzza da Bigs attempt at achieving fame and glory in the inter-store fantasy campaign done last June to August.

I will be posting the tournament report for the Game Con specifically the JAM Cup in another two weeks. Thanks to all the local players for participating and see you around the web !!!


August 16 ,2003

Welcome to this weeks updates for Hobby Cafe. The Corriba Sector has been added with the events that have happened in the sector sorted by both time and location. Take a look see and enjoy.

You know the bad part of me uploading the files that I've done? One has to do it manually and thus a lot of the stuff I should be able to auto-upload I had to load it up one at a time which can great pretty confusing as it is :) (as only paying sites here have access to the ftp server).

Well I have spent the past few weeks scouring the links and the pages to see which links are broken and which pictures were uploaded wrong. I am sorry to admit that there were a lot. I hope I fixed them all - Specially the links at the top navigation bar. If there are any problems please tell me and I'll get right on to it. I promise :)

Fixed Pages, pictures and links

I would also like for players specially the local ones here in Manila out there if they would like to contribute articles and army pictures please dont hesitate to send us some :)

Future articles 

Mega Battle at the Gamers Shop
How to Assemble an Empire Army
Inter Store Fantasy Campaign update


July 29, 2003

Hello once again Hobby Cafe fans and welcome to today's update. The corriba sector website is now online. This puts a campaign perspective on our warhammer 40k games and gives them coherence. The corriba sector events can be seen at the Games Workshop submenu or by clicking here.

I am proud to feature Carlo Zapanta's works again in the galleries section and in the whfb and the wh40k section, as well as new pictures on the khorne army.

Lots of link and picture fixes has been done. If there are any errors in the page please dont hesistate to email me: at [email protected]


June 23, 2003

Here is yet another update for the Hobby Cafe website. I am committing myself for updates every 2-3 weeks. So without further ado lets see what's new:

  • Mechwarrior Black Rain is over. The new FAQ has also been uploaded to the Mech Warrior part of the site. Click here to see it.
  • Warhammer Fantasy : The Mega Battle one and Two has been added. This can be seen at the warhammer batreps section here.

The Eye of Terror for wh40k is almost upon us and I would be posting the travails of Warmaster Lucifer of the Lost Fist during the campaign. Also we would be doing a local Warhammer Fantasy Campaign here and my Orcs and there battles shall be featured.

Finally for next update, inspired by the articles at White Dwarf I would be showing the start of making and playing with an Empire army.


June 9, 2003

Welcome to the next update for the Hobby Cafe website. We are creating a new gaming club centered around the store. Those who are intereseted can drop by the store this Saturday June 14, 2003.

New Articles can be seen at the articles section and the Hive World K campaign is over which can be seen here. The second battle for Addicks is almost over for Mech Warrior and we will be starting the Steel Wolves versus Spirit Cats soon.


May 25, 2003

Welcome fans to this months Update for Hobby Cafe. We are now opening the new part of our website which is our look at Wizkid's Mechwarrior Game. This can be seen here or by accessing the our games menu.

This month also starts the Hive World K Campaign for Warhammer 40K. This is an interstore campaign involving 50+ players in four stores - Hobby Cafe Alabang, GHQ - Makati, Neutral Grounds - Galleria and Gamers Shop - GreenHills. This ongoing campaign can be seen by looking at the 40k batreps or by clicking here.


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