Corriba Sector By Time

943 002 M42 Gallant System above Gallant V: A small Imperial taskforce is sent to stop a portion of the Tyranid fleet from consuming the planet. Though they manage to destroy both hive ships, there carcasses entered the planets atmosphere and began to seed the planet. The Imperial taskforce departs the doomed planet.

909 002 M42 Gallant System Outer Reaches: A small tyranid fleet is spotted at the outskirts of the system. The shadow of the warp caused by the tyranids was not that great yet allowing for a fleet detachment to engage them to prevent there penetrating the inner regions. They fail and imperial fleet retreats into the system.

835 001 M42 Quadrivial System: The Eldar fleet Light in Infinite Darkness drive off a Space Wolf Taskforce and then a Chaos Fleet that attempted to enter the system. It was reported that the Eldar were excavating something on the fourth planet though it is unknown what it was.

603 001 M42 Manakai System: The Chaos pirate base is discovered and Task Force Triumphas is sent to destroy it. A carefully laid trap by the Chaos fleet goes wrong and they take horrendous casualties before fleeing. The threat of the chaos raiders is neutralized.

516 001 M42 Town of Richer, Raven’s Sky: Dark Eldar forces arrive and slaughters the Slaanesh Marines. They are then immediately set upon by the returning Khorne Berzerkers and are offered up to their blood God.

515 001 M42 Town of Richer, Raven’s Sky: Slaanesh returns and drives off the Khorne Berzerkers.

510 001 M42 Weiss System: Captain Owen destroys the Ork Rocs orbiting the planet of Weiss IV. Imperial reinforcements begin to arrive on the planet.

471 001 M42 Fields of Angora, Weiss IV: Major engagement led by BigBoss Lou with Dark Eldar and Slaanesh Forces versus the Space Wolves. Attack and Counter Attack occurred with the battle being inconclusive.

470 001 M42 Town of Richer, Raven’s Sky: Slaanesh and Khorne Marines battle each other after jointly eliminating the planetary auxilla. Slaanesh is driven off.

466 001 M42 Leiber III: Ultramarines are again beset by Chaos raiders, Slaanesh Marines led by Daemon Prince Pat-ric, they are thrown back.

451 001 M42 Carpina II: Once again JamBurna attacks this planet. Though the Space Wolves are not there to repulse him, a company of UltraMarines are deployed in Force. They are caught off guard by the speed of the Orks and the Marine’s forward positions fall. Events on Weiss IV would prevent JamBurna from finishing the Marines as he leads his forces against the Wolves

405-449 001 M42 Leiber III: Ultramarines defend their base from a raiding Khorne Chaos Marines. In a series of running battles they are able to catch up to the warlord and eliminate him though some of his forces were able to escape.

360 001 M42 Weiss IV: Space Wolves lead a deep penetration raid led by “Da Doo Headed Dog” as called by the Orks. They destroy the main Ammo dump and eliminate the reinforcements that were sent.

321 001 M42 Weiss System: Imperial reinforcements arrive and engage Ork ships guarding the warp jump to the Weiss system. A flanking maneuver destroys the ships and the naval blockade is lifted.

284 001 M42 Research Station, Janus III: Ork and Chaos Raiders attack each other in the barren plains near the outpost. Facility abandoned and destroyed while fighting raged.

251 001 M42 Samite Plains, Weiss IV: Major engagement between Ork forces led by Warboss Uruk Jamburna , Big Boss Lou as well as Chaos and Dark Eldar allies versus two great companies of Space Wolves, Sisters of Battle and another Marine chapter. After fierce fighting the field belongs to the Imperium. Preparations to expel the Orks begin.

200-250 001 M42 Southern Front:Various Ork attacks on planets but are repulsed by Imperial Guard.

180 001 M42 Weiss System: Imperial forces enroute to Weiss IV clash with Eldar raiders in deep space. Imperial forces suffer losses and withdraw from Weiss system. Ork Rocs are unopposed in their landings on Weiss IV as the Orks blockade the system.

168 001 M42 Janus IV: Battle Sisters repulse a Dark Eldar force seeking slaves amongst the populace.

123 001 M42 Weiss IV: A Massive Ork invasion force arrives on planet. The Imperial Guard Regiments stop them from breaching the lines but casualties reach 80%. Guard regiments disbanded.

935 000 M42 Carpina II: Uruk JamBurna is sighted leading an assault on the planet just after pillaging Weiss III. He is stopped by the Space Wolves led by Brother Jongko. Jamburna returns to Weiss system, followed closely by the Wolves.

821 000 M42 Weiss III: Major fighting on the planet as Ork Waaagghh led by Uruk Jamburna attempt to gain control of the planet. Orks destroy a new yet unnamed Space Marine force led by Brother Oreda. Planet controlled.

724 841 M41 Raven Sky’s System: Imperial Forces ambush a Chaos convoy led by Captain Barabas. Skillfull use of escorts and bombers break the imperials back and the convoy heads for the MaelStorm.

651 841 M41 Janus System: Chaos Raiders destroy an Imperial Patrol sent to look for them

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Last Update: August 01, 2003
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