Corriba Sector

Corriba Sector is located in the Segmentum Tempestus adjoining the Ultima Segmentum. It is still a border sector despite it being colonized several millenia ago. As such there are still a lot of unexplored planets that various rogue traders and adeptus mechanicus explorator teams go to every cycle.

The south of the sector is the border with Ork empires which occasionally push through the imperium and vice versa. Chaos incursions occur from the nearby phenomena the Maelstorm - which is similar, if smaller , to the Eye of Terror. See the map here. (Note: this is the sector found at and expanded on here)

Below are the events of what has happened in the Sector.

Corriba Events by Time | Corriba Events by Location | Chaos Raiders | Tyranid Invasion at Gallant Battle at Quadrivial | CSN News | Mega Battle at Weis

Last Update: August 1, 2003
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