Battle at Quadrivial

Aboard an Eldar Void Stalker BattleShip 

“The mon-keigh and their cursed brothers come”

Whispered Prince Falthur to himself in his command chair. The farseers have forseen that they would detect disturbances on the fourth planet on the system the mon-keigh named as Quadrivial. If they would find out that the planet contains one of there most potent artifacts the suncrusher – they would unleash a force that they would not be able to contain. Already several of his people have gone to the planet to retrieve the device so that they could hide it elsewhere in a place that the mon-keigh could not reach.The mere unearthing of the artifact has revealed part of its power. A strong psychic signal is being sent out by the device and is sure to attract prying eyes. There orders have been to harass and if necessary destroy any who would appear in the system while the excavation was in progress.  

“Now it appears that blood would be shed once more ...” 


Aboard the Space Wolf BattleBarge Ragnar’s Claw 

“Sir Scanner’s detect ship signatures within the system”

shouted the Tech Adept. “So they are here” mulled Blackmane. His ships were sent as a request from Imperial command for help in preventing pirates form controlling the system. In his guts he knew that the only ones who were sneaky enough to enter a system would be the Eldar. “All Ahead Full !! We shall tear out these pansies from this region of space !!” 


Aboard the Heretic ship Anvil of Doom
"Captain !!, we are approaching the Quadrivial System."

Shouted the navigations officer. "Excellent ! Soon the Apocalypse weapon will be ours !!" That brought a smile to Captain Barabas. His small taskforce had been detached from the Warmaster's flotilla. There mission was to reach the system and land troops to the planet to begin setting up a base and start excavation of the eldar made device. [ What the eldar did not know of the machine was that it's source of power was a greater daemon entrapped in the case. Over the millennia underneath the crust of the fourth planet, microfractures had began to appear on the surface of the device and the daemon had began its eerie howl that was heard over the warp. ]

Though only 2 squadrons of Iconoclasts and the Carnage Cruiser Hellfire guarded his troop carriers, he felt confident in their ability to ward off any defense on the planet because his 3 troop transports were Devastation Class Carriers, carrying not just assault boats but several wings of fighters and bombers.

"Sir we have entered the system. Sensors detect a Space Marine Battle Barge and several strike cruisers. Sir they have engaged the Eldar fleet near the 5th planet." "Good - the Eldar and those accursed Marines will fight each other and will sweep whatever is left. Communications signal the taskforce to head for the 6th planet. We'll use it to hide our fleet from them. Send one prove above planet's northern pole to observe the skirmish. Once one of them is destroyed will move and finish the survivors. Let this be done." Now vengeance will be ours mussed Barabas.

On to Part Two - Battles on Quadrivial

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