Battle at Quadrivial -
The Fights

Battle 1 - Eldar clash with the Space Wolves

The Space Marine fleet chases the Void Stalker, ignoring completely the escorts and cruiser to its flank side. However the Void Stalker darts tantalizingly out of range.
The entire Eldar Flanking force then pounces, concentrating all their Pulsar Lances on one of the Strike Cruisers. The tough armor of the Cruiser is nothing compared to such withering fire and is reduced to a blazing hulk.

The SM fleet realizes his error and reacts by turning on the Eldar flanking force but the Eldar fade out and scatter in different directions. They tend proceed to dart within range, unload pulsars and torpedoes and then leap back out. The Space Wolves begin to look like a wagon train surrounded by Indians. Soon another Strike Cruiser goes down with just superficial damage done to the Eldar side.
Faced with such an elusive foe the Wolves have enough and vector out of the system, licking there wounds as they go. Round one goes to the Eldar.

Battle 2 - Chaos versus the Eldar armada

The chaos ships are intercepted in deep space by the Eldar fleet. The Eldar play a waiting game and sit still, launching fighters for CAP but making no further moves, daring the Chaos ships to respond.

The Chaos force obliges. The three carriers swing left while the Carnage and the Iconoclasts head forward. Bombers are launched from the three carriers which the Eldar fighters begin to intercept and eliminate.

The Eldar ships surge forward, shooting at the escorts and the Carnage, then fade out. The Carnage is unharmed but one Iconoclast blows up. Eldar fighters destroy more than two squadrons of bombers and they then launch there own bombers. 

The Devastations continue to veer towards the left flank. Heedless of their own lives, the Iconoclasts head in. The Carnage turns to the right and exposes it’s portside batteries at the Eldar and unloads on the VoidStalker, lightly damaging it. Two Squadrons of Chaos Bombers manage to reach an Eldar Escort but the holofields foul the aim of the pilots, no hits are made.

The Carnage pays for its audacity when four squadrons of bombers reach it. The ship is hit several times but it manages to survive. It’s good luck does not last however as the Eldar pounce on it and racks it with pulsar lance and weapon batteries fire. The ship is crippled but still survives. Bombers finish of the remaining Iconoclasts.The crippled Carnage continues to move and fire defiantly at an Eldar cruiser, crippling it. The Devastations hug the lefternmost flank and then tried to circle around the Eldar fleet. Long range lances strike at the ships but their holofields continue to save them from harm.

Two Eldar escorts then crumple as their fragile hulls pass through blast wakes. An escort squadron goes behind the Carnage and finishes it off while the rest converge on the carriers. However a wall of bombers prevent the force from getting too near.

The Chaos faces a stand off with the Eldar. Their bombers cannot get past the superiorly trained Eldar fighters while the Eldar cannot go too close without being shot by long range fire. With their command integrity still intact, the chaos fleet withdraw leaving the field controlled by the Eldar.

On to Part Three - Aftermath

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