Editor: Mangelo Malmeda
Volume 1 , Issue 1
Thought for the day: In Unity There is Strength

Orks cross Imperium border, Could this be the start of another Waagghh??

The roar of battle was again heard as an Ork Warband led by WarBoss Uruk Jamburna landed on Weiss III, and began to systemati- cally plunder the planet of its spoils. They were able to do this after defeating a relatively new and as yet unnamed Space Marine chapter led by one Brother Oreda.

The Space Marines fared poorly, the inexperience of the commanders showing as they attempted to stop the Ork light vehicles from hitting there main lines by jumping in to there midst without support. Though there was initial success, the commanders were doomed once Ork Kans engaged the Chaplain and Librarian in the middle of no mans land. They were extricated from the field and are recuperating from their wounds..


This just in a scant 2 hours before publishing. The Ork Warboss Uruk Jamburna was sighted on Carpina II.

They were met by a recon force of Space Wolves led by Brother Jongko which intercepted them on the outskirts of the capital as they were setting up there crude artillery to rain death and destruction on it.

The Wolves were able to disable the Ork armor early on and with the use of the Wolf Scouts, destroyed a captured Basilisk.

However casualties were high with the loss of their Bike Squads and Wolf Scouts at the hands of the Ork Warlord itself.

With the Ork Warboss surviving the attack, there backs have not been broken. The last reported transmission from the Astropath there suggested that Ork Rocs accompanied by Escorts have arrived insystem carrying hundreds of more GreenSkins. Imperial Command has ordered the Navy to stop the flow of arms to the planet but with so many capital ships lost during the debacle against Chaos Raiders in the Galatia subsector it will take sometime to launch a taskforce.

Other News:

The increase of tension on the borders and the rise of raids from without has caused the Adpetus Ministorum to bolster the lines of defence here by requesting for aid from a few more Adeptus Astartes Chapters.

The Blood Angels have responded by sending a few companies. This has caused concern to the Ecclesiarchy due to the occurence of dead bodies all drained of blood in places the Blood Angels were assigned.

"Our duty is to the people of Corriba" said Preacher Malthus. "These Marines are abominations, never caring for the people. Should they land here on Janus IV, we shall watch them diligently lest one from our fate suffers at there hands."

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