First Wave - the coming storm

The system of Gallant was rudely awakened when Astropaths detected a weakending of the Astronimicon's light as if some force was blanketing the system. A message was sent to Sector command before the communication was lost.

Fearing the worst a small taskforce was sent consisting of a Dictator Class Cruiser, a Dauntless ( Vengeance ) and three squadrons of FireStorms and Cobras. Other ships were to be sent immediately once available. The task forces fears were realized when they detected huge organic ships floating through space toward the inner regions of the planet.

The Tyranids had come to Gallant.

A small splinter fleet from Hive Fleet Leviathan had been detected. It had emerged from "below" the galactic plane and had not yet been detected prior to it arriving at Gallant.

The Tyranid fleet was heading towards the inner planets and the task force was sent to prevent them from pushing through

Scenario One - Blockade Run ( both sides had equal points values - 50% of Imperial ships must be escorts)



Order of Battle

Hive fleet composition

  • 1 Hive Ship
  • 2 Tyranid Cruisers
  • 4 Medium Escorts

Imperial Ships

  • 1 Dictator Class Cruiser
  • 1 Dauntless Class Light Cruiser ( Vengeance )
  • 2 Firestorm Squadrons ( 3 each )
  • 1 Cobra Squadron ( 4 )



Battle Fleet Results:

The Hive fleet meandered forward with the Imperial fleet closing on two sides in a classic pincer move, with the cruisers on one side and the escorts on another. Suddenly the various tyranid ships began releasing spores in space. These begain to intercept the escorting fighter craft and torpedoes launched by the Dictator.

A host of giant worms and brood carriers were launched by the Tyranid Cruisers at the coming escorts. They were systematically boarded by the tyranids and the screams of the dying began to fill the vox casters of the imperium ships. Though the escorts attempted to Brace for Impact, the reinforcing of the hulls could not stand against swarms of Tyranid monsters boarding there ship and they fell one by one.

The Vengeance and the Dictator began to swat out the smaller escorts but where then swamped when the clouds of spores suddenly veered towards them. The Vengeance endured wave upon wave of spores attacking the ship but remained unscathed. It veered away and cut engines and was able to escape from the scene.

The Dictator was'nt as fortious.

Its fighters already overwhelmed by the hordes of spores and its launch bays unable to launch more fighters due to a botched rearming job, the Dictator was hit by hull boring worms which disgorged swarms of Tyranids on the ship, there rampages damaging critical systems. Brood carriers also began to board the ship as the turrets were overwhelmed by the shear number of them approaching. Finally a huge spore cloud hit the ship blowing it up in a ball of plasma.

The attempt to blockade the Tyranid fleet had failed.

The Hive Fleet began to move towards the inner regions...


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