Jeff's Space Wolves
by Jeff Jongko

Note:These are a lot of images that are to be loaded so please bear with us for the slow load time. Its worth it

Motto: "2+ is never enough ..."
Current Projects: An Empire Army with GUNS, GUNS, GUNS!!!
Cel No: I'll call you

The Wolves ...

They may not have a lascannon,
but they sure look good. Look
a hell of lot better than Blood
Angels ... pansies ... The wolves
give them a good whoppin'!

Grey hunters on the prowl


Blood Claws ...

" What good are they?! The corner stone of a wolf army ... NOT!!! "


" Yet more cornerstone wannabes!

Where are the Grey Hunters??!! "


HOt blooded bloodclaws charge in
The Wolf Scouts have seen their fare share of battle, if only they didn't die so fast.

" The Land Speeder Wolf Pack stalking their prey ...

if only they hit more often than they missed ... "

Wolf Priest on Bike
Blood Claws on Bikes



Here we see the various personalities in Jeff's Army. He has really gone to work with these models !!

We have nicknamed Jeff to be the "master of metal" for his ability to alter metal figs and give them so many dynamic poses with ease.


A SAMURAI X Wanna be??




The Wolf Lord - shown above front view and top right back view


Here we see the rune priest with a crow flying overhead. There were too many characters to take pictures of ( what do you expect when he's got 6000 points worth?? ).

He has recently finished his dreadnought characters ( one Long Fang dreadnought, one Rune Priest Dreadnought ... ) with like to take pictures of those as well but we'd all run out of space to put them :)

Da Big Guns

Here we have Jeff's units which have caused much suffering to his enemies.

His Whirlwinds and Razorbacks deliver pinpoint accuracy to break the backs of any opposition.

Not seen in this picture is the countless of Vindicators, Rhinos and other units of Jeff's vehicle pool








Jeff's conversion of the mighty Land Raider Mark II ( he also happened to make two ), made out of plasti card, soda straws and other junk found at home before the model came out. Hardly used nowadays.

This is Jeff's newest unit. The Land Raider Crusader. Below are a
a few more shots of this excellent tank.



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