The Knights of the Grail

by Jaime Delfin


Motto: (send it to us Jaime)
Current Projects: (send it to us Jaime)
Cel No: (send it to us Jaime)

The Knights of the Grail is a Space marine Chapter by Jaime Delfin and uses the Blood Angels as the codex. Jaime is a veteran gamer and has been playing WH40K for a couple of years now along with his brother, though they both use the same army. Anyway below are pictures of his army and feel free to send us your own write up for the pics!

The Chaplain ...

Commander of the Knights of Grail and leads their most feared unit, the Death Company. 

Remember not to get in their way.


The Death Company

Used to lead assaults, this death company is made up of parts from Khorne Berserkers to give them a unique look.

Death Company close up shots. Note the different parts and modifications made.

The Tactical Squads

 The Knights of the Grail sport a unique color scheme, Red Black and Gold. Below is a close up shot of the Veteran Sergeant.

The Veteran Scout Sergeant
The Scout Squad


The Dreadnoughts

The Knights of the Grail has a full complement of three dreadnoughts. All of them are armed with a Heavy Weapon, to provide support and a Power Claw for close combat 

Details of the First Dreadnought
Details of the Second Dreadnought

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