Sword Wind host
by Jonnel Mendiola


Motto: "You can't hit what you can't see"
Current Projects: The Generic Space Marine Chapter
Cel No: call the store


This Eldar army is about ten years old and started way back in 2nd edition 40K. Back then they were mainly an infantry army composed of aspect warriors, which is why I have a lot of them. I haven't even included my Swooping Hawks, Dire Avengers and metal Guardians to this Gallery.

The Color scheme was chosen because I wanted something different to paint mainly from my blue marines back then. It was only later that Green and white was called the Biel-Tann, so rather than having to repaint the whole army, I decided to play with them as is.
Below is the current reincarnation of the Swordwind along with the new miniatures I painted to replace the old ones. But you can see that the aspect warriors are still the old miniatures.

HQs: Above are my HQ units. The Farseer is newly painted to replace my 10 year old Farseer. Though I don't use him a lot, the Avatar is there as a collector's item, afterall I am playing a Biel Tann Army.


The 2 defender squads to the right
form my main troops. Unlike other Eldar players I keep them at a minimum because I play Biel-Tann which are supposed to be mainly aspect warriors.

One squad has a bright lance platform and the other has a Star Cannon. This keeps the two formations flexible in combat. No Warlock keeps them cheap. They are used to just sit back and shoot at the enemy
Storm squad...

This unit has become a recent favorite of mine. All around flexibility and cheap. Equipped with flamers a Warlock with Destructor and Witchblade, they can eliminate masses of Orks or take out the heaviest of tanks.

Not used a lot these days. Even with their special ability they are too expensive for me. Still I keep them around for the collections' sake.

close up of one of the Banshees

Aspect Warriors......

Now these are what makes the Biel Tann Rock!!

The Banshees is the newest addition to my army (shown above). Under the current rules they are rightly feared by Space Marines.

The Warp Spiders (above right) are another favorite of mine. They have come to replace my Jetbikes in Hit and Run attacks. Used properly they can cause a mess of your opponent's plans.

The Scorpions have been around for a long time and were my main Close combat unit before my Banshees. Because they suffered somewhat from the rules changes in 3rd ed, they have become a second line unit.

The Fire Dragons was a recent addition to the Eldar Army. 40K 3rd ed. has made them useful and then the Transport Rules happened...... oops back to the shelves. Somewhat too expensive to go head to head with other armies and little survivability. 
The Dark Reapers have been in my army since the beginning. It is really too bad that they SUCK under the current rules. Too expensive and their guns are Too weak. The horror of it all is that they are only armour 4+. That Gav Thorpe bloke really screwed up with these guys.
The Jetbikes.....

Though I don't get to use them a lot, jetbikes are great for hit and run. However I find them too expensive and their guns just aren't that good anymore.
The Vypers.....

My opponents just hate these. Equipped with Crytal Targetting Matrixes, they shoot and scoot. I have a 3rd Vyper with a Bright Lance.

The Wave Serpent.....

This is the second Waveserpent I made. The first one has Starcannons. (You can see it here.) I equip my serpents with Holofields and Spirit Stones which virtually makes them impervious to fire. I usually load the Banshees into one of these vehicles.
The FALCON.....

This is a great tank! The only problem is you have to 'Guide' them because they don't shoot that well. I load the Storm Squad into this tank and equip it with holofields and spirit stones.

The Fire Prism.....

I like the tank but it doesn't perform that well on the battlefield. Juts like the Falcon, it suffers from BS3 and has to be guided by a farseer. 

The Wraithlord......

 My Wraithlord started its existence as an Eldar Spirit Warrior. This explains the small head.
Since the re-writing of the Wraithlord rules, I had to give him an extra arm and re-mount the 
gun on its shoulders. However, I believe that it is because of his peculiar origin why inspite 
of BS4, he usually misses with his brightlance. Maybe he wants a Starcannon.......  


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