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The What Army is Better Argument

by Angelo Almeda

Well here's a story, about the argument for "what army is better" lets use it to to see if this will stop bickering and focus on tactics, painting and strategy.

Mark wanted to learn 40k and he was using his TAU army. I elected to use my space marines and we had a go. I thrashed him. He went home then texted me that he wanted to play again but he'll proxy and play as space marines. I said sure then told him that I'll use his tau army list. What happened? I won. I used terrain to my advantage and used the TAU's abilities to the fullest.

So what is the lesson? Two things. Never be discouraged with what you have. Second if you think he's army is too cheesy or say without this lord you cant win then switch armies. Have him try to win. At the very least it will show him your side of the story.

I tried to use VC once and realized that aside from the VC the rest of the army is crap :P ( unless you do the Ron manuever and do 2 units of 15 wight cav - of course then it gets hit by fanatics and bolthrowers.)

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