Hive World K
Campaign Turn 1

Initial Deployment

  1. Adrian Tirona - A4 A5 A6 - Black
  2. CJ Cervantes - A1 A5 A25 - Blue
  3. Patrick Cervantes - A13 A14 A19 - Pink
  4. Clarence Cayetano - A9 A10 A26 - Red
  5. Angelo Almeda - A15 A19 A27 - Dark Blue
  6. Freddie Yu - A17 A23 A 24 - Dark Green
  7. Ronald Benedicto - A2 A3 A8 - Grey
  8. Ace Obedencia - A11 A12 A16 - Brown
  9. Louie - A20 A21 A22


March 20. - Imperial Guard launches an attack on A22 to sweep the area near the drop point clean of Xenos filth and succeeds. The Orks launch there own counteroffensive but the Imperial Guard gun lines do not waver at the greenskins and take them all down.

-- results Freddie Yu takes control of A22 from Louie
-- succesful defence of A17 from Louie

March 21 - The subsector errupts in war as multiple invasions and counterinvasions occur.

Dark Eldar forces were forced to withdraw from their raid on the Space Wolves as the DE were unnerved when they lost one raider, the other one immediately withdrawing.

Space Wolves attack the Xeltac Refuelling station and dislodged the entrenched Tau splitting its control of the sector in half.

Slanesh Space Marines make a rushing drive at Drop Point Alpha but where repulsed by the stalwart defence of the Imperial Guard.

Meanwhile in the southern sector the Renegade Marines attack a loyal company of Blood Angels on D1 and are repulsed. The Blood Angels attempt to dislodge the Renegades at the Terror Gate but cannot break the back of the Renegade Defence either..


Ronald B takes A11 from Ace
Ronald Defends A4 from Cj Cervantes
Freddie defends A24 from Pat Cervantes

March 23

The Tau rush the ork sector of A20 and take it. Louie has but one tile remaining in the first turn of the campaign. Is this the end for the orks in this sector?

Onwards to Campaign Turn 2

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Last Update: March 25, 2003
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