Budda Budda 2001 League Finals

by Freddie Yu


The High priest of Taal, Ferdinand, surveyed the hilly ground before him. From the distance, he could see the Orcs and Goblins perched on top and behind the hills. They had come from the Southwest, and were now perched at the edge of the province of Talabecland. Together with his bodyguard of Knights of the Golden Lion, he had come with a combined force from the provincial army to purge the invading greenskins from the noble land of the River God, Taal. To be sure, the Elector Count of Talabecland had even hired a unit of mercenary cannoneers, which Ferdinand thought unnecessary.

“Hmph”, was all he could say. Besides a big unit of orcs (which was led by a huge orc), all Fernand could see and hear were countless numbers of goblins dressed in black robes as well as the baying of wolves. Undoubtedly, there was the presence of the wolf outriders in the army. Ferdinand knew that this Waagh had smashed though the army of Altdorf, though the great city itself was spared. Nevertheless, they should prove to be no match for his force. After all, his men were trained professionals, and he had the assistance of two wizards. “Should be over before the sun sets”.


This was the championship match of a league run by my gaming club, which explains the inclusion of the warrior priest versus orcs (there was a chaos player in the final rounds). Besides, I thought the inclusion of a leadership 8 guy who can fight and give an extra dispel dice would prove worth it.

Army Size : 1250 points

Army Composition:

Empire Army List


High Priest Ferdinand – Hvy armor, barded steed, great weapon
Lady Beatriz: Level 2 Mage, Lore of Heaven (drew Storm of Chronos, 2nd sign of Amul)
Old man Sherard: Level 1 Mage, Lore of Death (Dark Hand of Death), Dispel Scroll


8 Knights of the Golden Lion (Inner Circle), Full command, War Banner
19 Spearmen, Std., Musician Detachment: 8 handgunners and 7 crossbowmen
19 Halberdiers: Std., Musician Detachment: 5 free company and 5 archers
5 Huntsmen


1 Great Cannon
1 Mortar


1 Dogs of War small cannon

Orcs and Goblins Army List


Orc Hero: (1+ magical armor), Great Weapon
2 Night Goblin Shaman: Level 2, Dispel Scroll Each (Both got Gaze of Mork and Brainbursta), 1 Shaman with headbutt ring.


24 Orcs with command
2 units of 20 Night goblins with 3 fanatics each
3 units of 5 wolf riders, std and musician each (1 unit without spears)


1 Rock Lobba with bully
2 goblin wolf chariots

1 Extremely Smelly Giant


It was a pitched battle scenario. There were 2 hills at the edge of each quarter of the Orc’s battle line. There was another hill set in the center of the table, which obscured the Orc center. He set up his main orc unit slightly to his right of the center line, with the 2 night goblins units straddling each side slightly behind. His giant was set up in the center, perfectly unseen since he was blocked by the center hill. On the orc’s left flank were 2 units of wolf riders (Behind the left hill) with the rock lobba on the hill. On his right flank were the 2 chariots plus another wolf rider unit.

On my side, I only had a forest on my right flank. I set up my General and his knights in the center. Their left was flanked by the spearmen and its shooty detachments of handgunners and crossbowmen. The right was covered by the halberdiers and the free company with the forest protecting its right flank. The archers and huntsmen were set in the forest together with the 2 wizards. The great cannon was set up in the extreme left of the line, the mortar in the gap between the spearmen and handgunners, and the mercenary cannon in the center.

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