UnHoly War - Murder Class Cruiser
Harbringers of

This chaos fleet has been recently seen stepping up its attacks in the sector after a successful raiding operation by one of its Captains by the name of Barabas in the Galatia Sub-Sector. It is said that the fleet remains under the control of Admiral Maurelius and has been successful at raiding operations. The preferred style of fighting would appear to be of Slaughter Class Cruisers closing in while being supported by Iconoclast Destroyers and waves of Bombers.


On the left we see The Styx Class Cruiser the Butcher in the background screened by the Pain Bringer - a Murder Class Ship

The fleet has been adept at raids and planetary blockades but during fleet battles they appear to be vulnerable to Nova Cannon salvos launched by the Imperium ships. As such they would rather disengage from the battle rather than go toe-to-toe.
Here we see a Slaughter Class Cruiser - identified as the Wanton Destruction hiding in an asteroid field waiting to pounce.

Half-a Dozen Iconoclast Destroyers performing escort duty on the

Wanton Destruction

Idolator Squadrons using a Gravity Well to swing around to ambush the hated imperium ships from behind.


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