The Light in Infinite


A new fleet that has been spotted in the Corriba Sector is a raiding fleet supposed to be part of the Biel-Tan Craftworld that is believed to be floating near the sector. It has been successful at raiding and ambushing Imperial and Chaos warships near asteroids and densely packed gas clouds before fleeing to parts unknown

One of the Eldar cruisers identified as the Farlight

The Eldar's attack on the relief fleet of Captain De Vega in the Weiss system had allowed Ork invaders to assault the planet unmolested and prolonged the campaign there for several months than expected.

The only major engagement that the fleet has engaged in has been the defense of an eldar "exploratory group" on the Quadrivial system. 
It was able to drive off a Space Wolf Task Force and a small Chaos Warfleet. It is undetermined what the Eldar where doing there. With the martial stance of the Biel-Tan it  is expected that the sector would hear more from them in time.

As expected for a raiding force, the fleet has numerous escort sized ships that attack independently from the cruisers. With there firepower they are more than a match for any escort and a real threat to the main line ships.

ABOVE: Hemlock and Hellebore ships in support of each other  
ABOVE: Nightshade torpedo Destroyers close in for the kill. These ships have been identified by Xeno teams as the Sword of Khaine squadron
LEFT: Aconite Frigates emerging from ambush positions

A common sight to be seen in the Eldar armada is the presence of a Void Stalker BattleShip dubbed the "The Light in Infinite Darkness" ( hence the name of the Eldar fleet ). During the encounter at Quadrivial a life pod from the Strike Cruiser "Wolf Pack" floated near the Battleship and was able to acquire images of the ship up close.

The Ship has never been crippled during fleet engagements in Corriba. There were reports that the ship was destroyed in another sector but it is not clear if this ship is the same one or just has its name.


The sheer firepower of the ship can be seen at its prow Pulsar Lances which fire volleys of high energy bolts enough to punch through shields and cripple cruiser sized vessels.

One can see the launch bays of the Void Stalker. Its ability to launch waves upon waves of Eldar DarkStar Fighters and Eagle Bombers has been the death toll for dozens of Chaos and Imperial ships alike.


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