Battle Fleet San Leor

A main fleet from the Ultima Segmentum had just been moved to Corriba Sector which is the Battle Fleet San Leor. Normally such naval moves are approved by Naval Command from Terra but the San Leor battle fleet was an exception. The move was requested by the Adeptus Ecclesiarchy. This was because an Adeptus Sororitas convent was just recently established on Raven's sky and the fleet was sent to protect the fledging community and surrounding systems.

The San Leor fleet is one of a few rare ships that are independent from Naval command and is part of the Ecclesiarchy fleet. With the Corriba sector fleet spread thin as it is, the welcome addition of a battle fleet to stem the tide of alien hostility is welcome, though there have been a few grumblings from Sector command

San Leor - Retribution Class Battleship
The pride of Battle Fleet San Leor - the Retribution class Battleship. Commissioned in M37 in the Mars shipyards, the ship has served in distinction in countless engagements. 
The San Leor passing through an asteroid in a double binary system
The thrio of Cruisers which form the backbone of the flotilla. The Don Diego, the Don Alejandro, the Don Bartolome.

Two Dominator Class Cruisers and a Gothic Class Cruiser. In tandem with each other they provide a very compact hard hitting force.
The light Dauntless Class Cruiser - Tornado escorting the thrio of Cruisers.


Below is the ship list for the Battle Fleet
Admiral Joaquin Dela Vega - acting admiral Battle Fleet San Leor

  • San Leor - Retribution Class Battleship
  • Santa Dominica - Mars Class Battlecruiser
  • Don Diego - Dominator Class Cruiser
  • Don Alejandro - Dominator Class Cruiser
  • Don Bartolome - Gothic Class Cruiser
  • Tornado - Dauntless Class Cruiser
  • Maldia - Dauntless Class Cruiser
  • Valiente - Dauntless Cruiser.


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