Part One Blockade Run
Imperial Attacker
Chaos Defender


Task Force Triumphas is formed commanded by Admiral Kaladar Baldunan and makes its staging area at the planet Nathaniel in order to begin the hunt for the chaos raiders that have been pillaging this part of the Sector. Various Patrols are sent out in different systems for the hunt.

One such patrol group stumbled on a Chaos staging area within the asteroid fields surrounding the Janus system. Due to the size of the fleet they attempted to disengage and breakthrough the lines in order to warn Admiral Baldunan. The Chaos forces had other plans...




Order of Battle


Vengeance Dauntless Class Light Cruiser
Honour Guard Squadron 3 ship FireStorm Class Frigates
Agressors Squadron 4 ship Cobra Class Destroyers



HellRaiser Devastation Class Cruiser
UnHoly War Murder Class Cruiser
Wanton Destruction Slaughter Class Cruiser
Raptor Squadron 3 ship Infidel Class Destroyers
Carrion Claws Squadron 3 ship Iconoclast Class Destroyers


Battle Results:

The chaos Ships were strung out over a thin line to catch the Imperial Ships. As it was only the HellRaiser was in position to block their exit vector. However instead of punching through the Imperial ships attempted to evade the Carrier by moving to the center quadrant, firing a barrage of torpedoes to force the Wanton Destruction away from their path.

This proved a mistake as the Slaughter Class easily avoided the salvo with its tremendous speed. Meanwhile the HellRaiser began launching wave after wave of DreadClaw Assault Boats. Chaos Troops boarded the Escort Squadrons - destroying the ships and themselves as an offering to their Dark Gods.

After exchanging salvoes with the Wanton Destruction, and inflicting as well as recieving slight damage, the Vengeance cut all thrusters and disappeared from the Chaos scopes, much to the Chaos forces frustration. What remained of the Escort ships was mopped up by the UnHoly War. Except for the Wanton Destruction no other ships in the Chaos fleet was damaged.

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