Dragon Handbook
Dragons can be gentle, affectionate creatures when left alone but when they come into contact with others it's a very different story. Dragons are one of the most well-known magical creatures. Muggles even know about Dragons, even if they do think they're fictional. Dragons are prtective towards their families and agressive to starngers. The Dragon Handbook is a descriptive guide to Dragons.
The Common Welsh Green
Welsh Greens are as some of you may have guessed are: GREEN! They are the
one of the most clever known dragons. Never try to out wit a Welsh  Green, because if you do, you're the one who is liable to become out witted! The Welsh Greens are most common around Wales but their number in Wales has gone down over the years and they have been found to live in other places..Welsh Greens are approximately 32.29 feet tall and can shoot out jets of fire at the range of any where from 25----35 feet.
The Sweedish Short Snout
Swedish Shortsnouts are a baby-bluish kind of color. Most of the time they are the calmest and most peaceful of Dragons, but that doesn't mean you can try and be friendly with them. They'll kill you in a second! Sweddish Short Snouts are named after their home country and their famously shorter-than-most Dragons snout. Swedish Shortsnouts are approximately 25.68 feet tall and can shoot jets of fire up to the range of 30 feet.
The Chinese Fireball
Chinese Fireballs are a red and orange color. They are a mixture
of the most dangerous and cleverest of the most widely known dragons, so don't challenge them to a duel, my friend, they'll win every time. You have been warned. Cinese Fireballs are from China and are famously known for the unique shape of their flames (the shape of balls). It is this creature that inspired Chinese Dragon dances. Chinese Fireballs are approximately 32.89
feet tall and can shoot jets of mushroom shaped flames at the range of any where from 26----39 feet.
The Hungarian Horntail
Hungarian Horntails are a jet black Bludger color. The Horntails are the most absolute dangerous dragons you will ever find anywhere, so don't do any thing to get them mad. They are also more protective of their eggs than any other dragon. Hungarian Horntails are approximately 36.99 feet tall and can shoot jets of flame any where from 40----56 feet in range.
What to do if you come in contact with a Dragon...
When you come into contact wiith a Dragon you must remember one thing. It's only weakness is the eye as thre skin is like steal. You should you the Conjunctive Curse and aim it at a it's eye.
Native to New Zealand, the Opaleyehas been known to migrate to the Island of Austrailia. It is medium in size, and it weighs about 30 tons. The Dragon produces a bright purple and violit flame, in jets. It is purplish in color, and is a known wizard killer.
Antipodean Opaleye
Hebrian Black
The second living species of Dragon that is bative to Britain. it is very aggressive. As it's name suggests it is all black in color. The Hebrian Black has razor sharp ridges along its back and bright, bright purple eyes. It is a very independant species of Dragon as it's territory needs to be 100 square-miles away from other Dragons. It mostly eats deer. The Hebrian Black can reach up to 30 feet in length.
Norwegian Ridge Back
The Norwegian Ridgeback, resembles a Horntail in most respects, though instead of tailspikes it sports jet-black ridges along its back.  Really aggressive to its own kind, it is one of the rare breeds.  Its unusual feature is its desire to eat sea dwelling creatures.  Some muggles said that a Ridgeback carried away a whale calf in 1802.  The baby Ridgeback breath fire before any other dragon breeds (at one to three months old).
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