The Library
The Library is an essential feature of Hogwarts. This is the place where you will learn about Hogwarts, Quidditch, the Ministry, potions, herbs, the Dark Arts, Divination,  all the spells we have heard about in books, magical creatures and much more. All the information crammed into this online library is extremely helpful, so read as much as you can. And remember that I worked hard on all of these books, so don't try to steal anything and use it on a website you own.
The Standard Book of Spells - All Grades
Quidditch Through the Ages
The Monster Book of Monsters
Hogwarts a History
1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi
Unfogging the Future
The Encyclopedia Potterica
The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts
Most Potente Potions
The Gilderoy Lockhart Series 
The Dragon Handbook
A History of Magic
Hogwarts Online School Library
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