HUNGRY JACK had to take a two week break to recover from the STEMSTOCK 2000 festival. During this time we found ourselves in a rare reflective mood and were thinking about the state of live music in the upstate NY region. Holy crap, IT SUCKS! The number of places that want bands who play original music is dwindling at an alarming rate. Here's a quick rundown of places that within the last few years are no longer open. And get this: they all closed very shortly after having HUNGRY JACK on their stages! Wild coincidence or a HUNGRY JACK CURSE??

THE BRICKYARD; Whitehall, NY------burned to the ground !!
BOGIE'S; Albany, NY----------------------now a damn dance club.
QE2; Albany, NY----------------------------now a shitty swing club.
CLUB 155; Albany, NY--------------------mysteriously shut down the week
after we played.
E.GILLIS (SOHO'S); Glens Falls, NY-closed and became dance club.
THE CELLBLOCK; Ft. Edward, NY----closed by Health Dept.
SASS'S; South Glens Falls, NY--------does not want bands any more.
KAREN'S SQUARED CIRCLE; Corinth, NY ---closed after Toenails autograph session.
FREDDY'S ON ELM STREET; Glens Falls, NY---closed and is now offices. HUNGRY JACK played their first ever show here.  The bar was shut down within a week of this occasion!!!

On September 23, HUNGRY JACK played an outdoor show in downtown Glens Falls. In conjunction with the Adirondack Balloon Festival, Glen Street was closed and an antique car show and extreme sports demonstration was held. The organizers were understandably queasy about having us play. They had heard all about our onstage antics and R rated show from the local Bible-thumpers and right-wing pressure groups. But we bit our tongues and kept our cocks in our pants and let the music take center stage. Amazingly not one "shit" or "fuck" was heard coming from our mouths. I only wish I could say the same about the other performers, who were supposed to be sophisticated, family-friendly entertainment. Some small minds were no doubt twisted and maybe that's not so bad after all. We pulled double duty that day by playing at Luna's Underground the same night! Then a week later, we captured our spook show on videotape for broadcast on local cable channel 8's "Live At Luna's" program. Hope you were able to catch it! If not look for the re-run soon. All shots of Hungry butt cracks were edited out, I'm afraid!

What would October be without the annual HUNGRY HALLOWEEN BASH?? This year was no exception as we scared the living shit out of Luna's again. The next night we made a road trip to HELL, err, I mean Hoosick Falls, NY. This place is so out of the way ! But The Rock must be spread so we made our way there and kicked some virgin ass. They may never recover from trying to dance to the wild Hungry beat!

One of our other killer concerts took place on Thanksgiving night at
Luna's. After stuffing ourselves silly on yams and SPAM, we came out and
rocked one of our hardest shows ever! The crowd was so stunned by the fury
coming from the stage that they just sat there and drooled into their warm
beers, unable to comprehend the spectacle. Sometimes it's like feeding steak
to a hog.

More news on our December antics and a report on some new songs soon!
Thanks to everyone who witnessed our craziness and came back for more next
time! We know who you are and want you to know that counseling is available.
Your smelly uncles,

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