Call to Duty Welcome

Call to Duty

I was drifting on life's sea,
When the Savior came to me,
And I learned to love and trust him ever more,
For I learned that 'twas His word,
Told to those that ne'er had heard,
Prepares their souls to journey to that golden shore.

Precious Lord I trust in thee,
Savior, Guide, I know you'll be,
Leading me to greater works
Dear Lord, for thee.

Lord, I promise now to serve
And from duty will not swerve,
Find a work, dear Lord, for idle hands to do.
Lord, it is not meet or just that I stand idle.
Lord, I must take my cross and,
Dear Lord, follow after you..

Give me work, dear Lord, I pray,
Let me labor every day,
Keep me always as a bearer of Thy word,
When my work for You is through,
And I'm home at last with You.
Give me peace and love, Dear Lord, as my reward.

Yes, I know that You are near,
I can feel Your presence here,
Know that You are always watching over me,
Know that you will be my guide,
'Till I reach the other side.
There abide and rest with you eternally,

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Text of Hymn: "Call to Duty," © Icie E. Sandy Rowand, 2002, all rights reserved.

Web page design and original graphics © Betty Sandy Smith, all rights reserved.

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