Sunday Christians Welcome

Sunday Christians

Sunday Christians Bar

There were two versions of this song with differences in only the first stanza. I have written the alternate text of those lines in yellow font within parentheses following the first version.

Sunday Christians Bar

Every body is so busy, they have no time at all
To help the other fellow or hear him when he calls,
Yet we go to church on Sunday and teach the Golden Rule,
(Sunday Christians go to church and go to Sunday School)
Looking for someone with faults, we use the Golden Rule
(And when we see someone at fault, we use the Golden Rule.)
Then by our actions Monday, there's no one we can fool.

Sunday Christians Bar

We meet our friends and neighbors there and slap them on the back,
But if they ask a favor, we're on another track,
We'll testify in service and say we love the Lord,
But when the test is given, we will deny God's word.

Sunday Christians Bar

We spend a lot for pleasures. Why, that is surely fine!
When time comes for an offering, we scarce can find a dime.
We'll share with one another. We know that is God's way.
When we're supposed to give a share, we'll not be there that day.

Sunday Christians Bar

We do not pay our preacher much. Why that would never do.
We have to keep him hungry to know that he'll stay true
When the pounding time comes round. It comes too soon it seems.
We ate the ham and steak ourselves. We'll send the preacher beans.

Sunday Christians Bar

As Christians we're the very best that you will ever find.
Come to our church next Sunday; there's plenty more of this kind.
What one will do, the other won't. To our own beliefs we're true.
Although we're pulling far apart, we're sure we'll make it through.

Sunday Christians Bar

If you don't like this singing, then do as I propose.
Just smile at me, and tell me I'm tramping on your toes,
And then I'll tell you something and smile right back at you.
The truth about this story is I'm just as bad as you.

Sunday Christians Bar

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Text of Hymn: "Sunday Christians," © Icie E. Sandy Rowand, 2002, all rights reserved.

Web page design and original graphics © Betty Sandy Smith, all rights reserved.

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