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2 Flewtz

Vocals/Flute & Whistles

Take Me Back to ICENI

orn; Categorically Yes, in 60 BC.

First Involvement in Music; As Court Musician to King Prasutagus early on in the last millennium before his untimely death and the inevitable demise of the Iceni people following the unsuccessful uprising of A.D.60-61. Since then, has wandered through the years playing for various dignitaries and nobles including Arthur,King of the Britons. Alfred the Great. William the Conqueror. Henry VIII to name but a few before changing tack towards the end of the last millennium spending many years getting regularly drunk as a member of a Brass  Band back home in Norfolk playing concerts and competitions.

First Rock Band; Vocalist for -Ranata Spirit- A Four-piece keyboard led outfit playing original songs of a progressive nature. 

Other Bands; All styles and all types from folk to rock too jazz too funk. You name it, "Two Flutes" has probably tried it.

Likes; Good weather, good food, good Sex or BAD Sex (followed by THAT cigarette), relaxing, nature (our world), taking his time over things (especially getting there), getting wrecked, sleeping, motor racing, Jackie, bird watching (feathered and otherwise), being happy, peace and quiet, rolling hills and sandy beaches,seeing the underdog win and loads of other pleasant stuff !!  

Dislikes; Bad weather, crap food (McDonalds e.t.c.), exercise, working for a living, Global Greed, the Rat  Race, straights, early mornings to work in the winter, Global Pollution, Faceless Corporations (see crap food), sadness, 60`s architecture, cruelty, being skint, followers of fashion (Baaaaaa), ALL Fords, ugly motors,  things that  bite or sting, parasites (human), hypocrisy, politicians, the `Great` in Britain and loads of other shit. 

Musical Influences; Jethro Tull (obviously), Joe Cocker, John Martyn, David Bowie, early Genesis, Pink-Floyd, Rush, Yes, Davy Spillane, U2, The Waterboys, Bill Whelan, Don Lusher, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Louis `Satchmo` Armstrong, Mum & Dad, Jackie, Wagner, Holst, Tchaikovsky, The guys in Iceni and many, many, more.

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Take Me Back to ICENI


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